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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

Ka-pi96 said:
Good result for the US. I'm really glad they've gone through

Thank you. This really is more than just a result, this is about keeping the sport in the national lime light and pushing it forward here.  Tuesday will be insane and we are witnessing a water shed year for the sport here.

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chocoloco said:

America's ratings for the next game should be really high since it is on the fourth of July.

I thought it was the 1st of July?

Augen said:

The goal since December was to get out of this very tough group. We did it by the skin of our teeth, but we managed it. The World Cup is a success for us now as marks first times advanced out of group for two consecutive World Cups and we did it in a very tricky one.

Round of 16 will be insane regardless of who we play, but know media would love Russia.

not possibel, Russia can not win the group, they are 5 Points behind Belgium

Augen said:
chocoloco said:

America's ratings for the next game should be really high since it is on the fourth of July.

I thought it was the 1st of July?

That is what GAF people were saying.  I am pretty ignorant about the whole cup.

haxxiy said:
vivster said:
In the name of all Germans I apologize for this horrible display...

Nah. It seems like the players were too reluctant to score again both because of Klinsmann and to avoid physical stress going into the round of 16. Netherlands and France also played the same kind of game. Guess that's FIFA's own fault for starting matches at 1 PM.

That's not how someone who wants to be world champion should play.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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well at least the US moves on

people rooting for Portugal and Ghana might not agree :P

At least Ronaldo finally scored. I think just for this great achievement, he should be named footballer of the year again.

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RolStoppable said:
Stupid Portugal, you were supposed to play 1-1. Good riddance.

To be fair, the Ghanian keeper wrapped up the ball, put on a bow, and delivered it to Ronaldo.

jerky99 said:

not possibel, Russia can not win the group, they are 5 Points behind Belgium

You are right, we will play Belgium or possibly Algeria.

spurgeonryan said:
I thought US had to at least tie? 1-0 against such a great team was good though. How did we still make it? Who do we play next?

nah US needed a draw for a 100% secure 2nd place

this loss was enough, because Portugal conceded 4 against Germany, so they needed to win big against Ghana - Ghana on the other hands were a big threat to the US advancing out of the group, if they had won against Portugal

your next opponent pretty surely is Belgium, no idea if there still is a possibility for them to not be #1 in their group