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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

RolStoppable said:

Home team determines who has dips on jersey selection.

Ka-pi96 said:

And if it had been Bayern vs Liverpool where they both wear red?

As well as the scoreboard I'd assume it also determines which team uses the home changing rooms and which the away and stuff like that as well.

You guys and your logic... I'll have none of it. To Rol... but they don't clash, home or away kits.

To Kapi, then they both wear their away kits a technically they are both away.

Logic averted. Fury wins.

Hmm, pie.

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Lel thats going to be a great gif

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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No silverware or not, Wenger is still a legend of a manager. Now he can relax for his last games and enjoy it.

Hmm, pie.

Come one UEFA could have at least put up a spoilers tag.

That's brilliant. Well done Liverpool FC.

Hmm, pie.

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The EPL's dedicated bus team got relegated today.

pastro243 said:
Atlético with one man down and Cholo sent off

I still think Atlético will take this in the end lol

I was right (I know it's what most people expected anyway) 

EPL relegation battles in the final quarter of the season become such tense interesting dog fights especially for neutrals, the way they unfold is more times than not far more interesting than the opposite end of the table.

0_0 Holy shit Everton.

Damn..what a horrible end for this Everton - Southampton game :(