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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

As expected


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England, heh. Oh god, I didn't think it would happen. But then it did.

Those who voted leave might be thinking this is a omen... a very ironic one.

Hmm, pie.

I suppose the NHS can wait we better put that £350m a week into our football team.....

Bookmakers made a lot of money today.

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

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England out of all Euro fronts lol

Oh right. Let's predict the next round then, if Nikkom can still keep up anyway.

Poland-Portugal 0-2
Wales-Belgium 1-3
Germany-Italy 2–1
France-Iceland 1-0

The worst defeat in our history. England beaten by a country with more volcanoes than professional footballers. Well played Iceland.

Poland's strikers wouldn't hit a barn door from five meters away

RolStoppable said:

6. Poland (up 5) - The only team to advance by penalties. Poland's strikers wouldn't hit a barn door from five meters away, so this team continues to lag far behind the expectations that "people who know football" had.

That's a bit unfair. Poland's strikers can hit a barn door. But only after 120 minutes and if it promises not to move.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.