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Forums - Sports Discussion - The Football Thread - 17/18 Season

More like BrEKsit. :-p

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How do you lose to Iceland wtf.

ICELAND has a FANTASTIC football team! CONGRATZ!!!

Teeqoz said:
Lmao, England has like 120 times the poluation of Iceland but they got rekt xD

Iceland has only 100 professional players.  

At least we can say we stayed in the tournament longer than the holders. ... rather fitting based on other things this week.

Hmm, pie.

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I blame the trainer for not educating his players why they shouldn't vote #leave.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

France is so going to get destroyed :P.

Send a Friend Request On PSN :P

RolStoppable said:
I guess that was it for this tournament. What am I supposed to do now? Root for Belgium? There aren't any enticing options left.

The underdog... so Iceland. :)

Hmm, pie.

konnichiwa said:
Teeqoz said:
Lmao, England has like 120 times the poluation of Iceland but they got rekt xD

Iceland has only 100 professional players.  

Depending on the definition of professional that's actually quite a lot for such a small country. 1:1600 (assuming 50% of the population is male) being a professional footballer is insane. For comparison: if you apply the same ratio to England you'd have 16563 professional footballers.

Coincidence? Iceland population 330K....Compare it to an city in England;....Leicester = 330K.