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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why do people make such a big deal about backwards compatibility?

I'm not sure. I have never even used the feature ever.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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I guess I'm a bit of an oddball...since backwards compatibility is important for me to purchase a system early in its lifecycle. New systems are more prone to game droughts near the beginning, so it's nice to be able to continue playing my backlog from previous generations while waiting for new games. The main reason I picked up a 3DS and Wii U near launch was that I could continue playing Dragon Quest IX and Xenoblade Chronicles respectively, while still being able to upgrade early. It actually worked out pretty nicely in the latter case, since my family's launch Wii finally stopped working, so I was able to pass off mine so they'd have something to play Wii Sports/Fit/etc. on.

Of course, it doesn't prevent me from ever buying a system by any means. I just see little point in buying one near launch if the game library isn't established yet. I likely would have picked up a PS4 already if I could continue playing my PS3 backlog on it. As it stands now though, I likely won't pick one up for a few years...or until its library fills out a bit more.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Ka-pi96 said:
Adameh said:

Backwards compatibility is important to me because:

- I only have 2 HDMI ports and one AV port, and I can't be arsed to change the ports all the time
- I only have a couple plug sockets
- Standby energy consumption
- Only enough room for four consoles
- I don't own the original Xbox, Gamecube or PS1. No problem! I have the sucessors

If my Wii U, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS2 all didn't have backwards compatibility, I'd need a Gamecube, Xbox and PS1 as well.

Get an HDMI splitter. They are really useful when you need to plug more things in than will normally fit.

Some of those, especially the cheaper versions can add a nasty amount of lag between system and the screen tho, I know they are very convienent but just for the ultimate setup you want as few cables as possible between you're game console and your eyes/ears.

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1. Convenience don't have to dig up an old console and controller if you have a sudden desire for an old game.
2. Systems break, so a five year old system may not be best
3. You can then sell the old system to defray the cost.
4. Hand me down systems are great for families.
5. Limited HDMI ports.
6. People may not have the older system.
7. Clutter. Some of us live in small apartments and a little space goes a long way.

Lots of reasons. I don't particularly mind that the PS4/XBone aren't backwards compatible, but the fact that the controllers aren't BC is ridiculous. I can't think of a real reason for them not to be aside from it being in Sony and MS's best interest.

I use the backward compatibility often and it's nice to have. Swapping consoles to play different games when you have it all in one. Unless hoarding consoles and cluttering tv's is ok with you.

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There are still games coming out on the last gen consoles. Id like to play those games on my shiny new console (plus the PS1 and PS2 classics coming out).

That and if everything was backwards compatible Id only have 3 different fully featured controllers to use, not 5.

PigPen said:
I use the backward compatibility often and it's nice to have. Swapping consoles to play different games when you have it all in one. Unless hoarding consoles and cluttering tv's is ok with you.

What kinda nutjobs you think are on these forums... jez

Other than Me I mean... Bonus points to my megadrive for trying to get in this pic.... HIDE YOUR SHAME!

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DerNebel said:
Because one console has it while the others don't.

In reality backwards compatibilty is probably a feature that is barely used anyway, which is why it's not even a real selling point anymore even if you have it.

well sony had BC for 3 generations...

zero129 said:
I dont have this issue as my PC is almost backward compatible with every console/handheld and makes them looks so much better then they originally did xD .

Sadly enough while in front of my TV looks like my picture above for ease sometimes I have a pspgo hooked into the back of my TV with a ps3 controller linked to it, got pretty much every classic library of game saved onto that badboy and it doesn't take half as much blowing and Qtips to get a NES game rom to load... saying that me and a friend finished Probotector on the NES about 3 days ago heh legit NES not emulated NES we had to use the konami code :(

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For me, it means being able to play older games I missed. I did not own the Xbox 360 last gen, and now I have the Xbox One and would love to be able to try some of those games out. Can't argue with adding such a huge library to your arsenal instantly when backwards compatible, right? :)