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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

mutantclown said:
walsufnir said:
mutantclown said:

I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst.

So 900p or sub-1080p now isn't bad anymore? Ok.

Says who? you? I think I was clear, can't you read or you only want to start shit? 

I was referring to people who laughed about sub-1080p ridiculous for a next-gen game. No need for you to get personal or questioning my intelligence.

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daredevil.shark said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:
daredevil.shark said:
My hype has died for this game. Whatever hype I had it just vanished with this news. I will pickup this game used at cheap or borrow from my friend.

Really?  Your hype was based soley on the game being 1080p on PS4?  Unless thats sarcasm then ignore my post. 

Lol. Nope. I was following it from 2012 reveal. Was hyped about before PS4 release. They have shown too much of its content. And bad news one after another has made my interest nil. So I guess that pretty much explains everything.

Whats all the bad news?  What do you mean they've shown too much content, if that was gonna kill your hype why would you watch the videos in the first place.  We've barely even seen anythnig in regards to the story...

kowenicki said:
setsunatenshi said:

I do understand the pointing out of what seemed to be a mistake (corrected in the meantime), but there seemed to be the beggining of a circle jerk (hope it doesn't sound offensive) from some x1 fans related to what in reality is yet another bad piece of news for the X1. Hence why I said people need to have some self awareness.

i dont think you read my post correctly.  I cant see how this is bad news.  900p v 792p.  so effin what!  seriously.

really? you don't see how it's bad news for an xbox fan?

2 games costing the same in which one version is clearly inferior visually to the other. How is that not bad news?

kowenicki said:
Zekkyou said:

Did you find Forza 5's fake demo funny, out of curiosity? ^^


To humour you... no more or less funny than all those other fake demos over the years.  I'm sure you remember plenty... being a sony fan.

But you have descended into off topic digs now... not very nice that you know.

Back on topic please.  ta.

I remember the crap Sony pulled at E3 2005 with the target render trailers, but i have no recollection of them ever creating a fake playable demo and claiming it to be real. I might be wrong on that, but to the best of my knowledge they've never done that.

mutantclown said:
walsufnir said:
mutantclown said:

I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst.

So 900p or sub-1080p now isn't bad anymore? Ok.

Says who? you? I think I was clear, can't you read or you only want to start shit? 

lol someone needs to calm down here :)

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Imaginedvl said:
mutantclown said:
walsufnir said:
mutantclown said:

I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst.

So 900p or sub-1080p now isn't bad anymore? Ok.

Says who? you? I think I was clear, can't you read or you only want to start shit? 

lol someone needs to calm down here :)

He was waxing sarcasting at my post, like I implied anything about such and such. He was definitely trying to start shit.

I'm so hyped for this game. One of the thing I disliked about GTA was really about the characters and the kind of stories (gangsters, etc...) but I really loved the open city, etc...

As always resolution (900p vs 792p) is not really a big deal for me.
Watchdog is the perfect world for my taste :)

The more I hear about this game, the more I wonder why I ever considered getting it for PS4.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

mutantclown said:
Imaginedvl said:
mutantclown said:
walsufnir said:
mutantclown said:

I just know 792p is worse, and I bet the dips are more pronounced on the Xbone version. Pay more, pay the same for worse, it's still the worst.

So 900p or sub-1080p now isn't bad anymore? Ok.

Says who? you? I think I was clear, can't you read or you only want to start shit? 

lol someone needs to calm down here :)

He was waxing sarcasting at my post, like I implied anything about such and such. He was definitely trying to start shit.

Oh sure, but I do not think it was personnal :) I believe, he was talking about the few who claimed sub-1080p is unplayable or so "old-gen".

not much changes. PC > PS4 > XB1. As always.

I'll get it on Steam when it's 10€. Which shouldn't take long.