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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs: 900p PS4, 792p X1, both 30fps

DonFerrari said:
Way to use the extra time to polish. So they were actually with an incomplete game when some days before release they postponed.

The best part is people criticising Ps4 owners that expected better resolution to forget x1 will be worst again, besides saying 900p=1080p or that resolution isn't important.

Imagine ir new SDK wasn't released.

The criticism comes from constant bragging of 1080p 60fps and then blaming MS when it was taken down. Turns out it was just false.

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Arcturus said:
the_dengle said:
Guessing the Wii U version will be 720@30.

In which case, lol.

And the PS3/360 versions will be 480p/20fps.

Probably like 580 or 600p or something (those were fairly common last gen, right?), and yeah, I wouldn't be surprised to see some frame rate problems.

kowenicki said:

I think you're missing that point. 

let me help you out.  2 days ago sony bragged OFFICIALLY about it being 1080p 60fps.

Thats funny.

1080p 900p 792p 720p.  I couldnt care less as long as its a good game.  Which I dont think it will be.

Did you find Forza 5's fake demo funny, out of curiosity? ^^

shikamaru317 said:
ParryWinkle said:

I don't think it will be as big as past gen because these consoles are more PC-ish and there isn't any "secret power" to unlock. Good thing Sony is already looking into the PS5. The CPUs are just too weak on these consoles.

I'm not sure if it's the CPU causing the issues, but rather the GPU. The PS4's GPU has less than half the GFLOPS of a high end graphics card and less than 1/4 the GFLOPS of a good SLI/Crossfire setup. And the Xbox One's GPU has even less GFLOPS than the PS4's.

I just used the CPU as an example because it's the weakest part of the console. The GPU is not the greatest but nearly around a mid-end PC with 1.84 TFLOPS, but the 800mhz kind of kills it.

The dream is dead :P

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Zekkyou said:
Azerth said:
haha look at sony tyring to lie haha

oh well i still dont care lol

There is a difference between lying and making a mistake :/

Lying is saying that 1080p/60fps is going to be common on the PS4 (Shahid's tweets) or giving people a fake demo of Forza 5.

THOSE are examples of lying. This is most likely some dude in PR who didn't know shit about what he was writing (kinda like everything Major Nelson says ).

yeah but it sure did take them awhile to take down there mistake

KingdomHeartsFan said:
daredevil.shark said:
My hype has died for this game. Whatever hype I had it just vanished with this news. I will pickup this game used at cheap or borrow from my friend.

Really?  Your hype was based soley on the game being 1080p on PS4?  Unless thats sarcasm then ignore my post. 

he is one of those people who says give me 1080p60 or dont put the game on ps4 at all because i dont want it

Conegamer said:
Oh...oh my. That's quite a way off 1080/60 isn't it?

Glad I'm getting the PC version. That sounds pretty harsh.

Yep, 1080p/60fps is 188% more than 900p/30fps and 271.9%(ish :p) more than 792p/30fps.

Max King of the Wild said:
KingdomHeartsFan said:
daredevil.shark said:
My hype has died for this game. Whatever hype I had it just vanished with this news. I will pickup this game used at cheap or borrow from my friend.

Really?  Your hype was based soley on the game being 1080p on PS4?  Unless thats sarcasm then ignore my post. 

he is one of those people who says give me 1080p60 or dont put the game on ps4 at all because i dont want it

He should probably change his sig then.

kowenicki said:
setsunatenshi said:
interesting how a few months ago the discussion would be framed as 'yet another multiplay running at much higher res on ps4 than on x1' to 'haha, not all games are 1080p on ps4'.

the goalpost was moved in an interesting way.

but hearing xbox fans enjoying this makes me think about a homeless person laughing about another guy's leaking ceiling... just have some self awareness :)

I think you're missing that point. 

let me help you out.  2 days ago sony bragged OFFICIALLY about it being 1080p 60fps.

Thats funny.

1080p 900p 792p 720p.  I couldnt care less as long as its a good game.  Which I dont think it will be.

I do understand the pointing out of what seemed to be a mistake (corrected in the meantime), but there seemed to be the beggining of a circle jerk (hope it doesn't sound offensive) from some x1 fans related to what in reality is yet another bad piece of news for the X1. Hence why I said people need to have some self awareness.