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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Mario Kart 8 isn't going to help boost sales of the Wii U huh?

DerNebel said:
bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:

bolded: What's that supposed to mean?

And, no I'm not saying that MK8 won't move consoles (it won't be the resurgence of the Wii U though), what I'm saying is that you can't start a thread using the title you used, which basically implies that you have proof that the game is moving console, when the source you're basing this on doesn't even talk about console bundle sales.

If the title of your thread was "So Mario Kart 8 won't sell well, huh?" then that'd be fine, cause that's what the article is talking about.

I was saying of you thought it wouldn't move consoles naruball said "Who said it won't boost hardware sales? I want to see some quotes. No, seriously, who said that?" That's all I'm saying in my topic.

I can't say that Mario Kart 8 will boost the sales of Wii U because it's the best selling item on (US), as well as it is the best selling item on Amazon in Japan, and in Europe? As I said, naruball wants to say hi!

No you can't, simple as that. There are 6 million Wii Us in homes worldwide, how many of those do you think are going to get MK8, especially now that you even get a 2nd game for free?

Also I'm not saying that it won't move consoles, it will, I even said that in my post above, but you're making a connection between the position of the standalone game in the Amazon charts and the console sales that it might push that just doesn't make any sense.

If someone wanted to get a Wii U for MK8, I'd say the first thing he'd go for is the MK8 Wii U bundle and I've already posted the Amazon placements of that bundle in this thread, they're not that great.

So you're saying it'll boost sales? Then we're done here I think.

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bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:

Nope. I'm not saying that at all.

Then what are you saying? Nothing? Got it.

What I'm saying is that your thread doesn't make sense based on the article you based it on. Also you should maybe calm down a bit.

Oh, these "leaked" E3 threads are also fake hype. Obviously no one is gonna take them seriously, but they do create fake hype.

DerNebel said:
bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:

That was meant as a joke, you know that?

When gaming articles are posting it, okay....

Gaming websites post every piece of bullcrap to get clicks and those articles weren't to hype up Knack they were to showcase how bad Mario 3D World was doing in the UK.

So what's with this article?  Maybe because it's true.

DerNebel said:
bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:

Nope. I'm not saying that at all.

Then what are you saying? Nothing? Got it.

What I'm saying is that your thread doesn't make sense based on the article you based it on. Also you should maybe calm down a bit.

Sorry I upset you. 

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bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:

Gaming websites post every piece of bullcrap to get clicks and those articles weren't to hype up Knack they were to showcase how bad Mario 3D World was doing in the UK.

Exactly, it's a hype article so people can go to forums and post things that are imaginary to hype people up. 

The Hype Is Fake.

It's not a hype article, these articles weren't even really about Knack per se, they were about Mario 3D Worlds bad performance in the UK, they just used Knack to showcase it.

DerNebel said:
bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:

Gaming websites post every piece of bullcrap to get clicks and those articles weren't to hype up Knack they were to showcase how bad Mario 3D World was doing in the UK.

Exactly, it's a hype article so people can go to forums and post things that are imaginary to hype people up. 

The Hype Is Fake.

It's not a hype article, these articles weren't even really about Knack per se, they were about Mario 3D Worlds bad performance in the UK, they just used Knack to showcase it.

Yeah, lol. 

PigPen said:
DerNebel said:

Gaming websites post every piece of bullcrap to get clicks and those articles weren't to hype up Knack they were to showcase how bad Mario 3D World was doing in the UK.

So what's with this article?  Maybe because it's true.

? I don't get it.

im just gonna say this now mk8 and smash will be monsters during the holidays


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DerNebel said:
PigPen said:
DerNebel said:

Gaming websites post every piece of bullcrap to get clicks and those articles weren't to hype up Knack they were to showcase how bad Mario 3D World was doing in the UK.

So what's with this article?  Maybe because it's true.

? I don't get it.

Mario Kart 8 selling out worldwide  ...  The article that's in this thread.