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Forums - Gaming Discussion - So Mario Kart 8 isn't going to help boost sales of the Wii U huh?

It's been number one on Amazon Japan so far. Nintendo World Store sold out of limited editions. The thing is going to sell.  The bundle is going to sell too.

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PigPen said:

It's been number one on Amazon Japan so far. Nintendo World Store sold out of limited editions. The thing is going to sell.

Also on 1 on (germany).

If you're interested in Nintendo content and understand german, maybe you want to take a look at my youtube channel! :)

Vladdie93 said:

So, a few more levels (despite the 3DS version having exclusive levels too), better graphics, and different designs of levels is going to convince people to spend $360 on the same game and a new console?

Yeah, I really really doubt it.

Most of the people who get this game aren't gonna look at the pretty graphics and the slight level changes. 

Now, if it was a new story mode? Maybe. Different characters? You know it! Lots of brand new ways to play the game? Of course!

But a few level changes and some graphics?

.... Nah.

And 9 million Wii U's? When the only game coming out for 6 months is Mario Kart? Can we expect Mario Kart to sell 3 million units?

Assuming X or Bayo doesn't drop first, I might be able to see why you'd be cautious. Though I am counting preorders for Smash Bros as well in the 9 million Wii U's. Guess the wait is on for E3!

bigtakilla said:
DerNebel said:
At least read the article you're using to proof your point OP...

So you're saying Mario Kart 8 won't move consoles, because there's someone here who's been looking for you.

bolded: What's that supposed to mean?

And, no I'm not saying that MK8 won't move consoles (it won't be the resurgence of the Wii U though), what I'm saying is that you can't start a thread using the title you used, which basically implies that you have proof that the game is moving console, when the source you're basing this on doesn't even talk about console bundle sales.

If the title of your thread was "So Mario Kart 8 won't sell well, huh?" then that'd be fine, cause that's what the article is talking about.

RealGamingExpert said:
PigPen said:

It's been number one on Amazon Japan so far. Nintendo World Store sold out of limited editions. The thing is going to sell.

Also on 1 on (germany).

And in the US obviously.

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"sold out" and "best selling" are such nice words without context.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I got a Wii U this weekend.  Hope Nintendo can make for sort of comeback.  Now, if only they could make a new Metroid Prime.

"Yes sir, I need a weapon."

Jay W

vivster said:
"sold out" and "best selling" are such nice words without context.

Until we get numbers we can't put them into context. Come back on the 31st.

bigtakilla said:
vivster said:
"sold out" and "best selling" are such nice words without context.

Until we get numbers we can't put them into context. Come back on the 31st.

That's what I'm going to do. Until then I will hold off the hype.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
bigtakilla said:
vivster said:
"sold out" and "best selling" are such nice words without context.

Until we get numbers we can't put them into context. Come back on the 31st.

That's what I'm going to do. Until then I will hold off the hype.

You do that. :)