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Forums - General Discussion - Over 100,000% inflation possible?

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Zimbabwe inflation breaks 100,000%

The official rate of annual inflation in Zimbabwe has rocketed past the 100,000% barrier - by far the highest in the world.

The government statistics office said inflation rose to 100,580% in January, up from 66,212% in December.

The new official figure was still well below the rate calculated by independent analysts who estimate the real rate is closer to 150,000%.

They give as examples supermarket receipts showing the price of chicken rose more than 236,000% to 15 million Zimbabwe dollars, or about 50p a pound between January 2007 and January 2008. Slightly lower increases in prices of sugar, tea and other basics brought down the overall average inflation to around 150,000%.

Zimbabwe, a former regional breadbasket, is facing acute shortages of food, hard currency, gasoline and most basic goods in an economic meltdown blamed on disruptions in the agriculture-based economy after the often-violent seizures of thousands of white-owned commercial farms began in 2000 accompanied by political violence and turmoil.

Economic hardship is a key issue in national elections scheduled for March 29 in which President Robert Mugabe, who is 84 on Friday, is facing the biggest challenge to his hold on power since he led the nation to independence in 1980.

Inflation, food shortages and the crumbling of power, water, sanitation, roads, phones and communications and other utilities have fuelled deep divisions in the ruling Zanu-PF party.

In early October, the state central statistical office gave official inflation at just below 8,000%. It then suspended its monthly updates on inflation because there was not enough in the shortage-stricken shops to calculate a regular basket of goods.

November's already dizzying rate of 24,470% was announced in January and earlier this month the official rate for December was given as 66,212%, a dramatic escalation in the space of a month.

The National Incomes and Prices Commission, the government's price control body, this month allowed sharp increases in the prices of the corn meal staple, sugar, bread and other basics in a bid to restore viable operations by producers and return the goods to empty shelves. But the new prices were still roughly half the price demanded on the black market and were unlikely to guarantee regular supplies to food stores.


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Ask Germany in 1930.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

corrupt government, incompetent central bank, horrific human right record...

am I missing anything else there?

My sympathy to the people.

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: Too Human I even expect 3-4 mill entire life and 500,000 first day. GoW2 ( expect 7 - 9 million entire life and over 2 mill first day), Fable 2 (expect 5-6 million entire life and 1.5 mill fist day) BK3 (expect 4 - 5 mill sales entire life and 1 mill first day).. Tales/IU/TLR should get to 2 or 3 million! post id: 868878
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Fuzzmosis said:
Ask Germany in 1930.

 My grandfather used to tell me that he used to go to the store with a bag of Marks to buy groceries.

Yep, Germany in the inter-bellum (period between the 2 worldwars)... You could have billiets of 1 million German Mark and just buy some bread with it... (For your information, when Germany traded the GMark for the Euro one Gmark was about 70 eurocent).


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Auron said:
Fuzzmosis said:
Ask Germany in 1930.

My grandfather used to tell me that he used to go to the store with a bag of Marks to buy groceries.


Enough to buy a loaf of bread?


Germany in the 30's inflated the Mark so that they could pay off the reparations. 

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Appraently it is. I was not awarr that Germany was that bad during the inter-bellum period? Zimbabwe can use Germany as inspiration, then.

Yeah the Zimbabwe situation sucks, and isn't going to get better anytime soon, since the strongest actions the UN has taken so far is that England was banning them from a Cricket tournament. Though since Zimbabwe was a founding country all that might of did was lost England hosting rights.

The UN doesn't do crap to help people and instead just acts as an excuse to prevent nations from actually doing anything. That's what happens when you let in all the brutal murdering despotic governments with everyone else.

Things are tough like that though, when your first elected president turns into a despotic insane lunatic.

It's a shame too... he was the one who most helped secure their independence... they voted for him, and find they were better off with the devil they didn't vote for.

Instead of training farmers and doing a slow removal of white people from the lands with skilled farmers they took the lands from the white people before training any farmers... and he gave all the land to himself and his followers... and now the lands remain fallow... because few have the knowledge to work them, and even those that do don't own the lands.  Instead they have to live in shanty towns... or rather they did before they were demolished... despite the fact that the current president told them to go there in the first place.  Probably because those who were most poor were of course those least happy with his rule, and it's much easier for him to control people in the country then it is united outside big cities. 

yes, inflation can get ridiculous.

i forgot what country, but it was in europe. they had such high inflation, that the workers would get paid bi-daily, so the money was actually able to be spent, cause in 6 hours it would by so much less, they were paid in such large quantities they rolled it around in wheel barrels.

NYANKS said:
Appraently it is. I was not awarr that Germany was that bad during the inter-bellum period? Zimbabwe can use Germany as inspiration, then.

 I really hope that they don't follow1930's Germany's lead.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.