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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS Community Reborn!!!-An outbreak?! PSX has a date!!!


What did you think about Sony's Pre-TGS Conference?

It was nice 10 11.90%
Nothing that really caught my attention tbh 25 29.76%
It was awesome! 8 9.52%
Not Bad 7 8.33%
I didn't like it 11 13.10%
It was okay 10 11.90%
Needed more LoD! 4 4.76%
Decent 2 2.38%
Other 7 8.33%

Thought it was kind of funny XD.

Dragon Quest (cheap) PR Stunt Cruelly Exploits People's Love for Bubble Wrap

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I think God Of War IV might be shown at E3 or have its own event, its one of Sony's biggest franchises so anything less should not be expected.

Horizon would be the other big announcement of E3.

bananaking21 said:
TheGoldenBoy said:

I completely forgot about them. Damn now I'm guessing somewhat excited.

i guess this year we have some good reasons to get excited.

- SSM's GoW in development since late 2013. (though cory said before it wont be at E3 2015, but he could have been bluffing, however i dont expect them there)

- Sony Bends last game was released in late 2011 (uncharted GA, was finished for japan launch)

- Quantic Dreams new IP (was in development since mid 2012)

- Media Molecules game was in development since early 2011 (LBP2 launched then) thats 4+ years in development. and we know it will be announced this year

- Guerrilla Games new IP, will be almost 4 years in development at E3. people are REALLY hoping for this at E3, 

- Level 5's new game. (pretty much confirmed)

- polyphony might announce gran turismo. they said before they were aiming for it to be a 2015 game, so even if it got delayed, we might still see an announcement


i really really doubt we will see all these announced, i doubt we will see them all announced this year in fact. but there is a good chance some will, and we got good reason to be excited. of course, this is without third party games that will be there, and new third party games to be announced. 

An inside source has told me Gran Turismo 6 will get a full reveal. Expect a 2016 release date most likely end of the year.  Although I wonder of sony will pass up on the cash cow that would be gran turismo 6 prologue.  Maybe they will release that xmas this year or spring 2016 but this source said they are not planning a prologue.  


Horizon the new guerilla IP excites me. A fresh start is what they need after so many killzones.  They could pull off the giant dinosaurs to perfection too because they have plenty of experience with big mechs from the killzone series.  And the western rpg genre has a big market.  


Sony bend focusing on the ps4 only would be a great move but you never know they might make a psv port too. 


Level 5 game would be the icing on the cake.  Those guys make Yokai watch right? 

Fred Dutton on the next Firmware update: ''I haven’t got news for you today, but the next update is not too far out. We’ll update you here asap.''

For the ones from Europe who want to play DOA5....Their is a free version on it with limited unlocked stuff...You can buy some stuff but not the whole game yet....(they kind of forgot to include it and will be up on wensday)..

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Driveclub might not have a PS Plus edition.

GTAexpert said:
Driveclub might not have a PS Plus edition.


Since the title’s launch on PS4 last October, which was met with technical issues and online components of the game being reworked and updated, news on the free edition of the game available for PlayStation Plus have still been ongoing, with PlayStation Europe’s Jim Ryan addressing the title’s status, as much as he can at this time.

Speaking in an interview, Ryan spoke on the status of Driveclub and that the free edition that would be made available to PlayStation Plus subscribers is “still being looked at,” though Ryan also mentioned that he “can’t say anything on this stage” more to give official confirmation on the game’s PlayStation Plus release, or when to expect it. Ryan further detailed more on the development of the game and the PlayStation Plus edition, mentioning:

Ryan also addressed the recent topic of titles seen in an unfit state of release, mentioning the team’s efforts on correcting issues with Driveclub at launch and the ways the team is correcting that in the future, detailing:

Driveclub is currently available in retail and digitally for PS4, with a free edition through PlayStation Plus still in development.

GTAexpert said:
Driveclub might not have a PS Plus edition.

I still think that they'll just offer the full game on PS+ a year after its launch. 

I know is maybe silly but I am checking the old PS one demo's....Feels so nice to hear the music and how those little scrolling through games sound give me happy goosebumps =p

GamechaserBE said:
I know is maybe silly but I am checking the old PS one demo's....Feels so nice to hear the music and how those little scrolling through games sound give me happy goosebumps =p

Makes me remember my childhood.

Back when I didn't know of the console wars