bananaking21 said:
ok how about this, we make a point system. for every prediction you get three catagories, what game will be shown, how it will be shown and release window.
for example. ND show Uncharted, trailer with in gameplay shots, Fall 2015
another. GG new IP, in engine trailer, 2015.
Rules. with every guess you have 3 catagories, game, content and release date.
when stating the game. say the developer and the game, if its a new IP say new IP. if its a sequal just say the franchise.
1) Game: when stating the game. say the developer and the game, if its a new IP say new IP. if its a sequal just say the franchise.
2) content: say what of the game will be shown, for example, a teaser like the uncharted teaser? a CGI trailer like the Mortal Combat X trailer, an in engine trailer like the order trailer, or a gameplay trailer like the uncharted 3 launch trailer, or onstage/gameplay video like TLoU gameplay at E3 2012. of course, these are just examples, you could state any way a game is gonna be revealed. not just the ones i mentioned.
3) release date: state the date that sony says the game will be. if they say just "2015" then to get it right you just need to say 2015. if you say fall 2015, and sony doesnt say so, your wrong. you have to predict what sony will tell us and announce, if you add more info by adding a specific date, and sony doesnt say so, your wrong. is this point clear?
Points: for every catagory you predict right, you get one point. example
The Order 1886, gameplay video , March 2015. Sony shows the order, gameplay video and feb 2015. i get two points from the three possible.
however, if i guess a game wrong, then i get one point taken away from me. so we use this so people dont spam with every possible game that might be shown. getting content or date wrong i wont get any points removed, but of course, that will leave the door open for people to get more point than me.
any games releasing this year must have the month predicted, not the window.
at the end of the show everybody gathers their own points, quotes their own post, and we calculate our own score. the winner gets to chose the next poll, and gets to be in the thread tittle as the winner of E3 predictions and everybody who participates must say he was the winner in their sig for 2 months, well, a bit more, right until the gamescom confrence! then we will do another one.
so tell me what you think, you and anybody else, any rules that need to be adjusted? any new ideas?