BraLoD said:
bananaking21 said: seriously... blooodborne is just fantastic. i have nothing new to play now days (i was playing AC Unity, but my brother traveled and took it with him). so i am playing bloodborne's NG+. and since i finished my first play through i am looking at a lot of lore the game has. this game is just special. and its combat is addictive. i wonder if Sony will announce a new one at this years E3. also from what it seems, bloodborne has as much differences to souls games as it has similarities. and every time i hear a difference between it and DS, i prefer bloodborne. |
You can thank me later.
Told you to give NG+ a go and that you should really get that game.
Am doing it again now, seriously, play Demon's Souls.
i already got the game before you told me to 
i am giving new game+ a go because i want to explore and do the things i missed doing on my first play through, and more importantly i am using and playing with the online features now. every boss in NG+ i beat with Co-Op so far, and plan on doing that for every other boss. (except the ones i missed out on during my first play through). i am also upgrading and trying out new weapons.
the thing about demon's souls... well... it doesnt have the characteristics that initially drew me to Bloodborne. one is that the combat has shields and seems slower in pace. bloodborne has this hack and slash, in your face combat, its just fucking brutal. DS's combat seems more oriented around the shield and sword.
then its the athiesticts, settings and overall look of BB is just so fucking fascinitating, and it was a major draw to me. while DS's setting seems cool, its in no way a match for BB's
i been looking a bit more into DS's after how much i enjoyed BB. but it just doesnt seem to appeal to me the same way BB does. the check point system in DS seems different, and one of the things i enjoyed the most in BB was the way they made the check points and its way of progressing through the game. (even though i didnt at first