Today the CESA announced with a press release that Sony Computer Entertainment will be the special sponsor of the “Sense of Wonder Night 2014″ workshop at Tokyo Game Show, dedicated to the development of new ideas in the gaming industry.
http://cdn.dualshockers.com/wp-content/themes/dualshockers2/images/blockquote_icon.gif) 20px 0px no-repeat transparent;">“SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT (SOWN) 2014″ throws spotlights on game developers to draw wellspring of ideas which may stir the static concept of the game. In other words, SOWN 2014 will find out the game ideas causing “SENSE OF WONDER”. “SENSE OF WONDER NIGHT (SOWN) 2014″ would provide a presentation opportunity for game developers with unique ideas at TOKYO GAME SHOW 2014. Total of 9 presenters have been selected out of 125 applications at the last year’s event. Approximately 300 people have attended SOWN 2013, where the venue was packed with excitement and international atmosphere. SOWN 2014 commemorates the seventh anniversaries with internationally increasing entries.
In addition to that, good guy Sony will favor indie developers in a very practical way: The house of PlayStation will sponsor those that will exhibit their games at the indie corner of the show this year.
One of the 50 booths at the indie corner previously costed 99,900 yen ($980) for the four days of the show and 32,400 yen ($318) for the two days open to the public, but according to the press release Sony will take care of paying the full amount, taking the burden off the developers.
The press release also specifies that the sponsorship is unrelated to the platforms for the games on show, and Sony will pay whether they are on PlayStation platforms or not.
The deadline for application has also been extended to June 11th from the previously set date of May 30th.
The move is not that surprising considering that Sony has been supporting indie developers very actively since the unveiling of the PlayStation 4, but it’s quite interesting, because we might very well get to see Xbox titles on show at Tokyo Game Show sponsored by the house of PlayStation.