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Forums - Sony Discussion - Lair patch with normal controls: CONFIRMED!

Lets follow your steps shall we.

Calling me a fanboy without knowing where I stand.

Saying I didn't think a game isn't bad without knowing where I stand.

Saying I put words in your mouth because I said you said I thought it was a good game. When you said I said it wasn't a bad game.... What is the opposite of bad??? Good right? If it isn't bad(like you said I said) then it must be good.

You claim I'm defending the game.

You claim I'm insulting

You now try to "insult" me(Which isn't working)

Yeah you are right. I must have brain damage for not being able to follow these logical ideas you have. With no basis of having those ideas.

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"A delayed game is eventually good, a bad game is bad forever ... or maybe it can be patched"

-- Shigeru Miyamoto

Fixed it for him.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

PooperScooper said:
Lets follow your steps shall we.

Calling me a fanboy without knowing where I stand.

Saying I didn't think a game isn't bad without knowing where I stand.

Saying I put words in your mouth because I said you said I thought it was a good game. When you said I said it wasn't a bad game.... What is the opposite of bad??? Good right? If it isn't bad(like you said I said) then it must be good.

You claim I'm defending the game.

You claim I'm insulting

You now try to "insult" me(Which isn't working)

Yeah you are right. I must have brain damage for not being able to follow these ideas you have. With no basis of having those ideas.

 Let me break down the steps for ya here so maybe you can understand. You compare someones gaming ability to that of someone with severe brain damage because you disagree with a wildely held opinion. Thats insulting and defending the game. Generally speaking people will not defend a game that they think is bad so the implication is you think the game is good. When you try to debunk a criticism of a game you are defending it. That is likely a definition of defending. Comparing someone to a person with severe brain damage is insulting. There is no way around that.


did I say it was a good game? Please quote me where I said that. Go ahead try to.

 Hrmm, I wonder how I got the impression you were putting words in my mouth? Is this making sense to you at all? And I haven't begun to be insulting, nor will I. It would likely get me a fast track to being banned.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo - you keep going around in circles. I'm tired and bored of you already. You obviously haven't got the slightest clue of my opinion of this game. You still haven't asked what I thought of the game even after I told you to. You claim I'm defending it when you clearly don't know my views. I wasn't saying the game was good. And yes you said I said it was. Obviously you can't comprehend the definition of opposite. Your hypocrisy makes me giggle. You claim I'm "insulting" by what I said. You stand by your accusations. Then you try and say what I said(Which is oh so insulting). Now you say you aren't insulting. Either I wasn't insulting or you were. Take your pick.

PooperScooper said:
Gnizmo - you keep going around in circles. I'm tired and bored of you already. You obviously haven't got the slightest clue of my opinion of this game. You still haven't asked what I thought of the game even after I told you to. You claim I'm defending it when you clearly don't know my views. I wasn't saying the game was good. And yes you said I said it was. Obviously you can't comprehend the definition of opposite. Your hypocrisy makes me giggle. You claim I'm "insulting" by what I said. You stand by your accusations. Then you try and say what I said(Which is oh so insulting). Now you say you aren't insulting. Either I wasn't insulting or you were. Take your pick.

 I was being condescending and assanine. I know I'm splitting hairs, but that is part of being condescending and assanine. If you want to see me be insulting feel free to continue this conversation in PMs. I have no interest in your view of the game, or any other game quite honestly. It is immaterial to the point I was making. You don't have to like a game to defend it. If you are trying to debunk critiscms you are defending it.

 I have also not one claimed you said the game was good. Go ahead an quote me if you can, but you won't find the quote as it does not exist. I said you were blind to the many faults of the game because of fanboyism and implied (or explicitily stated I don't feel like going over my posts exactly) that it was also the only reason you were defending the game. But I am bored of explaining this to you over and over and not having you read what I am saying. I have bumped this topic a sufficient number of times I feel. Hopefully everyone who wants to know about this patch does.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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PooperScooper said:
Gnizmo - you keep going around in circles. I'm tired and bored of you already. You obviously haven't got the slightest clue of my opinion of this game. You still haven't asked what I thought of the game even after I told you to. You claim I'm defending it when you clearly don't know my views. I wasn't saying the game was good. And yes you said I said it was. Obviously you can't comprehend the definition of opposite. Your hypocrisy makes me giggle. You claim I'm "insulting" by what I said. You stand by your accusations. Then you try and say what I said(Which is oh so insulting). Now you say you aren't insulting. Either I wasn't insulting or you were. Take your pick.

Well it's obvious you think the game was playable.  Whether you thought it was good or not.  Just about every magazine that isn't "Play Magazine" disagrees with you.  


"I am sorry your fanboyism doesn't let you see a bad game for what it truely is"

The opposite of bad is good. Let me reword your phrase for you.

"I am sorry your fanboyism does let you see a good game for what it truely is"

I'm sorry but you are saying "I cant see that it is a bad game." If I didn't think it was bad what would I have thought it was? Obviously good. "I can see that it is a good game" - is the same thing you are saying.

As I've said many times before:  the controls were the problem, not the method of controlling.  Games that use both motion and analog, such as Burnout and Motorstorm, control the same no matter which method you pick.  I think first person is more fun to play with motion, but it's not like changing the method of control changes the way the cars control.  It's the same with Lair.

The fact is that the controls were not accurate enough or fun to play with.  I played on the PSP using remote play and the analog did not help.  You can not help bad control design by changing the method.

The motion was not the problem!  How many times can I say that?

Kasz216 said:

Well it's obvious you think the game was playable.  Whether you thought it was good or not.  Just about every magazine that isn't "Play Magazine" disagrees with you.  


Game informer, Ace Gamez, Ferrago, Fragland, PALGN AU, Armchair Empire, Game Chronicles, Playstation UK, Just RPG, Honest Gamers, Game Vortex, GameShark, PGNx Media, Daily Game, The Laser, Strategy Informer, Deeko, Extreme Gamer, Game Revolution, Game Trailers, GameTap, UGO, Gamezone,

PooperScooper said:
"I am sorry your fanboyism doesn't let you see a bad game for what it truely is"

The opposite of bad is good. Let me reword your phrase for you.

"I am sorry your fanboyism does let you see a good game for what it truely is"

I'm sorry but you are saying "I cant see that it is a bad game." If I didn't think it was bad what would I have thought it was? Obviously good. "I can see that it is a good game" - is the same thing you are saying.

 Since we seem to be getting somewhere I will respond. Game quality is not binary. The opposite of good is bad, and the opposite of bad is good but that is largely irrelevant here. A game can be qualified as more than good or bad. There is unplayable, terrible, horrific, decent, ok but has a lot of bugs, could be good if it had some things fixed, etc etc. My statement was apparently too brief to fully convey what I was trying to say. My point was that even after the control patch the game is still probably going to be unplayable. Your post heavily implies you disagree with that statement.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229