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Forums - PC Discussion - have you ever played an MMO?


Well, Guild Wars is a very good game but you can't really say it is a mmo (except when you are in a city).


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No, I never played any MMO's >.>

I have spend more time with FFXI than with any other MMO. In the end I finally realize I had as much fun playing FFXI as washing dishes. Everything seem like a chore. I remember thinking the game was going to be better once I reach level 20 then 25 then 30 then 40 then 50 (when I get this spell or that item) but nope it was just as boring at level 50 as it was at level 10.

I played :

Everquest : 18 months

DaoC :18 months

Shadowbane : 3 months ( very bad game)

Star Wars Galaxie : 18 months

Everquest 2 : 6 months

Wow : been playing since May 2006


Before that I played a bunch of muds mostly located in Scandinavia ( batMud, ZombieMud).

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !

Everquest for 5 years.

Had over 600 days PLAYTIME on my main.

Won't get my time back either =P

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I played a bunch.

I had the best times with(in order):
UO, SWG(before the 'changes'), EQ, CoH, WoW.

I can't stand most Asian MMO's(Mostly Korean ones, but FFXI is close to the same mold)... They tend to have a level of grind that makes western MMO's look quick by comparison.

Granted I'm one of those that thinks the real problem with current MMO's is that they focus TOO much on the level-grind and forget to add in proper levels of fun for Bartle-types OTHER than achievers(which is probably why I liked UO and old-engine SWG so much)

Of course with an MMO, you start for the gameplay, but you stay for the people you play with. Since none of the current crop has managed to 'hook' me, I haven't stuck around long enough to really develop bonds with those I play with.

It doesn't help that the MMO genre has grown stagnant. If you've played any of the mainline MMO's, you've pretty much played them all. EQ2, WoW, CoX, LoTRO can all trace their basic gameplay design back to the ORIGINAL EverQuest. If someone would come up with some decent gameplay changes, I might be inclined to go back to an MMO.

Currently I'm keeping my eye on Metaplace, Champions Online(looks like they are ditching the traditional MMO-style battle mechanics for something a bit more actiony) and APB.

Morgyn said:
Everquest for 5 years.

Had over 600 days PLAYTIME on my main.

Won't get my time back either =P

 Seriously?  That is like 8 hour per day for 5 year!

I remember way back when, Runescape was fun. I played it, had so much fun... I got my guy to lv 75, I had 99 mining and smithing... I had friends that played it too, we'd stay up till 1 doing all the quests and stuff, I got into all the nonmenber guilds... Then, after about a month of F2P, I realized, "Hey, why am I playing this game? It sucks!" The day I decided to stop playing Runescape was the best day of my life. Or not, but it was definitely a good day.

I have played World of WarCraft and Silkroad Online and I have to say World of WarCraft is very fun especially while playing with friends.

PC Gamer

ive played runescape for a while ages ago, and a bit of Kal online and Silkroad. never played any for heaps long, they all seemed to boil down to just repetitive training after a certain level. ive always stopped myself from getting WoW cos i have had friends become addicted to it.






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