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Forums - Sony Discussion - Phil Harrison:Wii Sports is a true 'next-generation' game

Update: Phil Harrison was found dead last night, with traitor written on the walls.

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Soriku said:
outlawauron said:
Soriku said:
Bodhesatva said:

Still the best game of the generation for me.

However, this is about "next generation"-ness, and not quality. If that means graphics or something, I disagree, but I do feel that it will easily be the most influential title this decade.

We'll be seeing more games like Wii Sports and less games like Final Fantasy in the future, that I feel quite confident of.

I'd hate that. I want games like Wii Sports AND FF to go hand-in-hand together, not one rule over another.

Come on please. You know that can't happen. Hardcore games (specifically RPGs) are getting thrown under the rug. So I agree with Bod in that we'll see more Wii Fit and Wii Sports and less Final Fantasy and Persona.

OT: Ive always liked Phil. He seems to be a guy that just loves games.

Even if it's headed that way, I don't want it to. There will still be RPGs to feed us RPG lovers. If there were no more RPGs I don't know what I'd do. X_X

Buy burnout need more friends for online =p.

Soriku said:
outlawauron said:
Soriku said:
Bodhesatva said:

Still the best game of the generation for me.

However, this is about "next generation"-ness, and not quality. If that means graphics or something, I disagree, but I do feel that it will easily be the most influential title this decade.

We'll be seeing more games like Wii Sports and less games like Final Fantasy in the future, that I feel quite confident of.

I'd hate that. I want games like Wii Sports AND FF to go hand-in-hand together, not one rule over another.

Come on please. You know that can't happen. Hardcore games (specifically RPGs) are getting thrown under the rug. So I agree with Bod in that we'll see more Wii Fit and Wii Sports and less Final Fantasy and Persona.

OT: Ive always liked Phil. He seems to be a guy that just loves games.

Even if it's headed that way, I don't want it to. There will still be RPGs to feed us RPG lovers. If there were no more RPGs I don't know what I'd do. X_X


That's really important to note, Soriku. I'm definitely not saying they're going away, and I'm just saying they're going the direction of niche.

You'll still get your games, I suspect, as long as the niche is still profitable.

There is one way I think this could possibly change: if you priced yourselves out of the market. Which is to say, if RPG players keep insisting on better graphics, higher production values, more more more, then you'll kill your own genre, because there isn't increasing revenue/profit growth to support it. But if you're happy with what you're getting now, no problem.">">

Very interesting Bod. Great analysis. Personally, I like both, but many of my single-player games these days come from the handhelds, more specifically the Nintendo DS. Single-player games are still around, but a lot of them are becoming much more low budget.

Soriku said:
outlawauron said:
Soriku said:
Bodhesatva said:

Still the best game of the generation for me.

However, this is about "next generation"-ness, and not quality. If that means graphics or something, I disagree, but I do feel that it will easily be the most influential title this decade.

We'll be seeing more games like Wii Sports and less games like Final Fantasy in the future, that I feel quite confident of.

I'd hate that. I want games like Wii Sports AND FF to go hand-in-hand together, not one rule over another.

Come on please. You know that can't happen. Hardcore games (specifically RPGs) are getting thrown under the rug. So I agree with Bod in that we'll see more Wii Fit and Wii Sports and less Final Fantasy and Persona.

OT: Ive always liked Phil. He seems to be a guy that just loves games.

Even if it's headed that way, I don't want it to. There will still be RPGs to feed us RPG lovers. If there were no more RPGs I don't know what I'd do. X_X

Worry not, young Soriku-san. As long as there are RPG fans, RPGs will be around too.

I agree with modhesatva, we'll see the RPG genre totally go niche. We'll see less and less expensive productions like Final Fantasies and more Tales of, Odin Spheres, etc. 

Also, I'm certain most RPGs will adopt action, FPS, strategy elements in order to become more mainstream; we've already seen it in Mass Effect, Final Fantasy XII and others.

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There will be an eventual backlash against the trend though. Eventually reactionary types will realize (once these "together" games make up 75% or more of the best sellers like Bodhesatva says) that a "new" market is waiting to be tapped: games like FF or MGS, with real depth and character.

Games like Wii Sports may never be the minority again (I personally hope this doesn't diminish the amount of "deep" games too much), but no genre will become extinct.

If games like Wii Sports dominate, eventaully people will grow weary of these games and a revival will occur. The circle of life, lol.

Jandre002 said:
Sony has been humbled by Nintendo. Damnit. Oh well I dont care, hes right Nintendo did a good job, but I still think for someone who enjoyed games before this generation the Wii kinda sucks.

Sure I like having fun on the Wii, but im more about graphics and complex games. I guess at this point caring more about what a game is and now how you play it makes me "old school"

First Insomniac sharing their dev library for free, now Phil saying Wii sports is a true next gen experience? They must be high on Blu Ray or something, way too friendly behavior in this fierce console war.

Does that mean you didn't own a PS2 last gen?

And though I agree with Bod, it's important to remember that as long as there is demand, there will be supply. And since these new casuals will only expand the market, I believe there will be more than enough demand to go around. 

interesting analysis Bod, thanks for looking that up.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

naznatips said:
Very interesting Bod. Great analysis. Personally, I like both, but many of my single-player games these days come from the handhelds, more specifically the Nintendo DS. Single-player games are still around, but a lot of them are becoming much more low budget.

That's basically the conclusion I just drew in the post above you. The only thing single-player-centric fans have to fear is themselves; if they insist on higher and higher production values, better and better graphics, and so forth, then you can price yourselves out of your own market.

If you're willing to accept Phoenix Wright, Professor Layton, and New Super Mario Brothers as great games, then you're set. If you insist that things push past Final Fantasy XIII-level and beyond, you're probably in for a disappointment long term (with the occasional exceptions, of course).">">

OT : Next up, CrazzyMan adores the Wii!