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Soriku said:
outlawauron said:
Soriku said:
Bodhesatva said:

Still the best game of the generation for me.

However, this is about "next generation"-ness, and not quality. If that means graphics or something, I disagree, but I do feel that it will easily be the most influential title this decade.

We'll be seeing more games like Wii Sports and less games like Final Fantasy in the future, that I feel quite confident of.

I'd hate that. I want games like Wii Sports AND FF to go hand-in-hand together, not one rule over another.

Come on please. You know that can't happen. Hardcore games (specifically RPGs) are getting thrown under the rug. So I agree with Bod in that we'll see more Wii Fit and Wii Sports and less Final Fantasy and Persona.

OT: Ive always liked Phil. He seems to be a guy that just loves games.

Even if it's headed that way, I don't want it to. There will still be RPGs to feed us RPG lovers. If there were no more RPGs I don't know what I'd do. X_X


That's really important to note, Soriku. I'm definitely not saying they're going away, and I'm just saying they're going the direction of niche.

You'll still get your games, I suspect, as long as the niche is still profitable.

There is one way I think this could possibly change: if you priced yourselves out of the market. Which is to say, if RPG players keep insisting on better graphics, higher production values, more more more, then you'll kill your own genre, because there isn't increasing revenue/profit growth to support it. But if you're happy with what you're getting now, no problem.">">