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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Which system to buy without online?

I would say the Nintendo Wii is right for you. The online play is optional and sometime is not all that fun or great .In other systems the game is basically fun for the offline. But for most wii games the offline system is just a fun as the online

hope u enjoy the system u pick!!

Around the Network
ChronotriggerJM said:
A Super Nintendo. Get Zombies ate my neighbors.

Full automatic uzi-shaped squirt guns that fire jets of water so powerful they make zombies explode on contact own pretty much every video game weapon ever made.

 Username2324 said:
If your friends are around 8, then Wii, otherwise look into PS3 and 360 games, and choose which one has titles you'd like.

Also do you have a HDTV? Blu-ray movies with the PS3 would be a added bonus if you do.

 This guy needs a fail picture



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