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Forums - General Discussion - Favourite Harvest Moon??

Mine is the GameCube one, Song of Happiness.

I can't wait for the new DS ones, anyone here like Harvest Moon?

Friends of Mineral Town is good too, the worst one is the PS2 one.

I'm new here by the way thanks for replying if you do, hope there's Harvest Moon fans here haha :)

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Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town, my second favourite is the GamCube one.

Welcome to VG Chartz BTW, there's a few HM fans here, I'm one of em!

When I saw there was one reply to this thread, I knew it had to be from AoA.

Harvest Moons the most underated game series ever, oh wait are you trying to say something else? Smartass.

umm noone else? :(

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@ AoA

No, I just know that you love harvest moon.

I'll have to go with AoA on this one and say Friends of Mineral town is my favorite too. I got a bum cartridge or something and it randomly erases my data, but I keep starting new games anyway.

I'm actually tempted to get the Snes Harvest Moon off the Virtual Channel. Anyone know how it is?


I love the SNES one, first one I played, it really is good for the first HM, you'll be impressed, it's the only Harvest Moon that you can have more than 2 kids.

How big a detriment is it that the game ends after two (three?) years? That's been the biggest thing holding me back from getting it. I dread the idea of really getting into things then having the game end on me.


Yeah I hate HM's the end like that, it's not so bad, only problem is, my wife was preggo's with our 3rd kid and we never got to have it =(