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This game looks great in my books. It's got a delicious style. And that style will be merely icing on a double decker cake of epic, on this games all you can eat buffet of awesome.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

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Noone, NOONE is to DARE criticise Fable. EVER!

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Thanks for the screen shots. The scenery and graphics are looking quite awesome. I'm certainly looking forward to this one.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

stof said:
This game looks great in my books. It's got a delicious style. And that style will be merely icing on a double decker cake of epic, on this games all you can eat buffet of awesome.

Agreed. The art style in Fable is a nice break from the uber-warrior-stud in most WRPGs and the sissy-man-boy in JRPGs.

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I think everything other than the character models looks awesome :) I think the art direction is pretty damn amazing and it ties in well with the environments. I'm not sure why everyone's hating on Fable 1, I thought it was a really good game. It sure didn't match what they said it would be, but it was great none-the-less :P Fable 2 is going to be awesome ^^ Probably the ONLY game on a Microsoft platform that I wish I had on my PS3 :P

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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I think the character models look great in game. I agree with Dalinor that there are some bugs to be worked out in the next 6 months though.

I reckon thats the best environmental scenery seen in a console game thus far.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

The character models and textures are a bit iffy, but the environments, lighting, and shadows are beautiful.

Everyone watch the in-game movie (don't attempt on dialup), the models look great in game. And the shadows are incredible, accurate and only highlight the brilliance of the overall lighting.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

I retract my original statement. Looks great, and everything seems pretty smooth, as well. Screenshots don't do this game any justice... Reminds me of Metroid Prime 1/2/3 screens and videos.