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Forums - Sony Discussion - Destiny Of Spirits: Friends, Tradings, and more!

Guys i really need some feedback on that. Anyone from EU that can do battle in the game?
I really dont know how is this possible. to be able to do: summons, merging, trading but not able to do battling?...

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was working fine for me, but I live in the states

golfgt170 said:
Guys i really need some feedback on that. Anyone from EU that can do battle in the game?
I really dont know how is this possible. to be able to do: summons, merging, trading but not able to do battling?...

Was all right until  4 PM CET.

Since, then, I've had the same problem.

Yeah, I can't access the game... expecting more freebies xD

Well that sucks but at least im relieved now that i know it's server fault

Around the Network

now that this thread is somewhat alive, I have a spare "the greys" if anyone needs one

"We're deeply sorry that the maintenance will take some time before we can bring the game back online. We'll update again in about 6 hours."


Not again.....

Nooooo!... And I had my first Great Blessing in three weeks.... XD

Edit: Wrong thread! Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

On a sidenote, these are my best spirits atm:

LvL45 Fire

LvL 41 Wood

LvL 40 Metal

LvL 38 Earth (but changing him, too low HP)

LvL 22 Water (Just got Spy costume Raven so i lvl her up instead)