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Forums - General Discussion - Help me write a limmerick.

@ cool it has to be about somebody who came from a place or w/e.

Around the Network

There once was a man named McGill
Who made his neighbors quite ill
When they learned of his habbits involving white rabbits
And a bird with a flexible bill

You want us to do your homework? Utter fail.

SeriousWB said:
You want us to do your homework? Utter fail.

 I said help me not do it. I said just get me started utter phail to you.

Around the Network

OK here I go:

There is man from Japan
Who signs autographs as fast as he can
He says "I have to go"
And jumps out the window
For his name is Jackie Chan

^ I made that up in 30 seconds, I'll make another one up...

I know a guy from Spain
Who is always covered with rain
An umbrella won't do!
It only works for me and you
Sometimes he is very profane

1 more:

I saw a man from Mars
Who had many chocolate bars
I talked to him once
Trying not to be a dunce
And he replied "bzp js yo quasars!"


fkusumot said:

There once was a man named McGill
Who made his neighbors quite ill
When they learned of his habbits involving white rabbits
And a bird with a flexible bill

Limerick=5 lines...But THAT'S GOOOOD


^Thank you I will try to make my own now.

Hope all that helps you....I HATED DOING POETRY!!!


Wait I just noticed that you didn't follow the syllable rule. You have to have the first 2 and 5th sentences have 8 syllables and the 3rd and 4th have 6th. That is why its hard.