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Forums - Website Topics - WHo Is THe Oldest mEmBer Of VgChartz?

Aha! figured it out.

It was started in September 2005 as

changed to in June 2006

changed to in April 2007.

Around the Network

thnaks for th info TWRoO


Your welcome.
I just used to figure out the dates.

I joined on Jan. 26, 2007. Apparently my user ID is 368.

Feb 9th, 2007

OG baby.

Wii Code 8761-5941-4718-0078 

Around the Network

Wow. I joined April 24th, 3 months after whatever and I am number 3684.
Just shows how fast the community grew then. 368 to 3684 in under 3 months.

I joined December 23, 2006. I'm the 147th member. Yes I've been here awhile. Too long probably.

This site is getting old.

I joined February 13, 2007. User #1165. Ha! I'm older than most of you!

TWRoO said:
Wow. I joined April 24th, 3 months after whatever and I am number 3684.
Just shows how fast the community grew then. 368 to 3684 in under 3 months.

 It is pretty amazing how fast the site grew.  At that time, everyone was comparing it to nexgenwars all the time.  Don't get that much these days.  All I remember around that time was this guy "monty" always complaining about how undertracked the 360 was, very annoying.