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Forums - Sales Discussion - 'More than 200K PS3 in Australian homes'

Call the undertrack patrol, sounds the sirens! Something is undertraaaaaacked!

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


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Well considering the price is still at a minimum of $699 it is doing phenomenal down under, and as over 2 million PS2'S were sold in Australia to a population of only 20 million, I`m betting the PS3 will do just fine down here.

Geesh. Poor Sony numbers . Never getting the credit it deserves...sigh.

Im not going to complain about that one though. Its not like the 100,000 or so that was missing from US.

10,000 isnt a big deal.

Again with the bashing of news relating to the PS3 i see Neos...

Squall_Leonhart said:
Again with the bashing of news relating to the PS3 i see Neos...

 I don't see anything particularly wrong with it.  He's not bashing anyone in the thread, that isn't really a flame bait comment, and he's not not bashing the PS3.  It's just a silly comment and should be treated as such.

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MikeB said:

From PS3Vault regarding 2007 sales:

“On the Bravia PS3 offer, we’re now up to 28,000-plus - these are audited numbers from Sony. They have taken about a 30 percent market in flat screens for the month of January off the back of that promotion,” said SCE Australia boss Michael Ephraim.

Recent figures from Sony showed that over 155,000 PS3s were sold in Australia last year, but Ephraim pointed out that the 28,000 units given away in the Bravia deal are not part of this figure, because industry data tracker GfK Australia “doesn’t report on a console if it’s given away free”.

VGChartz is undertracking at 179,469 (16 February 2008), Australian PS3 sales were already 183K back in 2007.

I don't beleive ioi tracked the free ones, but I think New Zealand is included in Australia VGC (roughly 16k), so in all truth he overtracked PS3 sales, but is under for the number of PS3s people have.


That is from memory so I could be wrong about not including the free ones.

It depends on how long you have had to see those sort of comment come from him i suppose... It gets rather tiring!

Auron your attitude is not appreciated and not really all that helpful either.


Console               Weekly                   Total
DS                        13,059               1,093,744
Wii                         5,366                 340,594
PS2                       2,268                2,344,012
PSP                       2,148                   413,567
PS3                       2,123                  179,469
360                       1,824                  325,120
Total 26,788
