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Forums - Sales Discussion - Life Returns to Normal (in Japan)...

Wii averaged around 45k a week in "nonholiday" sales last year, excluding December but including Golden Week, etc. It's still a solid improvement so far this year, and the Wii has pulled pretty significantly above where the PS2 was at this point in its life.

Meanwhile, the PS3 is about to fall behind where the GameCube was at this point in its life - not terribly good news for it.

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Soriku said:
Stever89 said:
This is suppose to be about Japan mostly (I might kid myself though), and I don't think they have supply issues over there. Otherwise they might as well not sell the 360 in Japan. Oh yeah, I forgot to put the actual numbers up:

Wii: 78k
DS: 61k
PSP: 54k
PS3: 19k
360: 4k
NeoGeo: 1

Very funny.

I was getting worried nobody would notice. But it's true... I bought one on eBay Japan.

Ha. Joke. It was funnier when I thought of it while dying in Elements of Political Science class. I fail.

The_vagabond7 said:
It is interesting to see if the wii continues to stay at about 70-80k a week, with the PS3 stay at 20k to sub 20k levels in japan. If it does, that's a huge difference from last year where the wii was leveled out at around 30k. Perhaps Japan has made their choice, and are started to abandon the PS2 of the last generation to hop on the wii wagon.

 Japan has long made their choice; In the rest of the world, thing are debatable if the PS3 can overcome the Wii at some point, but in Japan, the latter is already the winner and no GT5 or FFXIII can actually save the PS3.

RPGuy96 said:
Wii averaged around 45k a week in "nonholiday" sales last year, excluding December but including Golden Week, etc. It's still a solid improvement so far this year, and the Wii has pulled pretty significantly above where the PS2 was at this point in its life.

Meanwhile, the PS3 is about to fall behind where the GameCube was at this point in its life - not terribly good news for it.

 People, the Wii sales at this point are inflated by the SSBB launch. Wait a month or so before we can call any new plateaus.

you really think the rest of the world is trying to decide between the ps3 and the wii?? maybe the ps3 and 360 cuz the ps3 might over come the 360 one day (obviously in europe, not in america, probably worldwide). the wii vs. 360/ps3 fight has long since been over already. the only fight for the wii is against nintendo's production lines and the best selling past systems.

end of '08 predictions: wii - 43 million,  360 - 25 million, ps3 - 20 million


Games I've beat recently: Super Mario Galaxy, Knights of the Old Republic, Shadow of the Collossus


Proud owner of wii, gamecube, xbox, ps2, dreamcast, n64, snes, genesis, 3DO, nes, atari, intellivision, unisonic tournament 2000, and gameboy

Around the Network
ilovetogame said:
you really think the rest of the world is trying to decide between the ps3 and the wii?? maybe the ps3 and 360 cuz the ps3 might over come the 360 one day (obviously in europe, not in america, probably worldwide). the wii vs. 360/ps3 fight has long since been over already. the only fight for the wii is against nintendo's production lines and the best selling past systems.

There is so much win in this post I think you should highlight it out so those who don't wish to see/read it don't have to.

I agree. We need to wait until at least 4 weeks after FFCC YK, Deca Sports, and Mario Kart lanuch in Japan. The Wii numbers are just too inflated :)


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Wii has supply issues, 360 has "do not want" issues.