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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Damn, that was satisfying. Just beat No More Heroes

Yeah, that was definately henry in the messages. Also there are alot of Killer 7 references. Such as the wrestling masks that teach you moves. Notice the initials of the one leaving them for you? There are so many small details in the game that make is so awesome.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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This is indeed an awesome game, wii needs more games like this I just love the style. The sales are a bit disappointing I was hoping it will reach 500k but 250k seems difficult, buy this game people

Apparently it's largely ubisoft's fault. They're barely shipping any copies of the game. They said their first shipment sold out almost immediately, and lot of people are still having a hard time finding this game. They just didn't try to push it at all. What's up with 3rd parties TRYING to make their games fail on wii?

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Ubisoft is a notoriously poor Wii publisher.

Red Steel was okay, but its real merit will be shown in the sequel.

Raving Rabbids is okay I guess.

- And that's about the best that can be said about ubisoft -

Prince of Persia: Dual Swords is a watered down port with content cut to make it raited T instead of M with poor and unecessary motion controls.

Nitro Bike was just an offense.

They didn't make No More Heroes, just published it, and that they did a shitty job of.

It's rather clear by putting Assassin's Creed on every platform (even DS and Cell phone) except the Wii that they are not fond of the Wii.

well you gotta at least give them credit for publishing an awesome game, even if they dropped the ball on actually distributing it. Hopefully Red Steel 2 won't suck balls.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

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Just finished NMH myself, its insane. I still say that Shinobu is by far my favorite battle. All her ultra combos are insane.

There are a few things about the combat that just doesn't make sense to me though. Bring able to control which wrestling move to use would've been nice and having some more special attacks as well. Wished the camera was better as well (esp when using dodges).

Aside from that, I've been looking exactly for this type of action game such as this for the wii. If they made the combat more involved and had even more shinobu style boss fights, would be one of my favorite wii games.

Shinobu was the first fight that just made me say OMFG that was crazy! And remains one of my favorites. Overall It's hard for me to decide which I liked best,

(minor spoilers) Shinobu, Bad Girl, Jeane or Henry. Those fights were just so insanely bad ass. Shinobu, jeane and henry largely for the same reason. because they were fast, furious, animated beautifully, and made you feel like you were a bad ass fighting a bad ass. Bad girl I loved because it felt completely insane. A woman dressed like a little girl, totally wasted, wielding a baseball bat, with a pit of raw human flesh from cloned bondage freaks that she was just beating to death, and were used as a projectile weapons, and her death just emphasized how nuts she was. Travis actually seemed afraid of her, and the fight seemed to take a very large toll on him physically and psychologically. She was just screwed up.

I saw some videos of bitter and it just seems crazy. The last fight is like it's on crack, the last boss moves like 3 times as fast and if you darkslide he doesn't even stop or slow down, he just keeps attacking, and moving so fast it seems like he's teleporting. I'm going to have to try bitter.

The game is rough around the edges, but that doesn't bother me in the least. Some of the best games you can find are ones with low production budgest that leave in some rough edges.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.


What did you think of the Henry/Jeane fight?  Jeane was frustrating I thought until I just started sitting back and waiting for her to leave herself open.  I thought that was too defensive or a fight and was rather boring. 

Henry on the other hand was awesome, the best balance of defense/offense I've seen.  I started really being able to do the darkslides playing against them.  Just never needed them before.  I like those fights which start making you realize you need to use ALL your techniques and make you perfect them during the fight.  

For some reason though, I never get the lottery attacks after the first 5 rank fights, strange.  

This game made me realize that I miss the Final Fight style of games.  They used to be much more common than they are nowadays.  Any other Heavenly Sword style of games on the wii that I'm missing? 


Yeah, final fight, streets of rage, double dragon, river city ransom, those games were awesome. A genre that's pretty much dead, or evolved past recognition. I guess games like this are their spiritual successors though.

The jeane fight I didn't think was super entertaining, but looked really good. The way she would dodge all your attacks with travis swinging like 5 times in a second and she's just bobbing, weaving, ducking out of the way while cursing the whole time. It was kind of a hang back and wait for an opening fight, but it felt from a story point of view to be rather important, and it felt fast paced just because of the movement (even though it's a rather defensive fight, even if you are darksliding).

henry on the other hand is just a bad ass. 5 seconds into the fight I was just like "HOLY HELL", because he just comes out like a bolt of lightning, going nuts with the combos and looks awesome doing it. He's frikkin fast even on mild (on bitter he's ridiculously fast, you can't even keep your eye on him), and his moves and combos all look awesome and fluid. Especially his 1 hit kill move. Pissed me off first time he did it, then I learned to keep my distance when he takes that stance. Doing that double arm suplex on him just feels satisfying. I was actually swinging my arms in large exaggerated ways and shouting derisive profanity at him whenever I'd get a chance to suplex him.

The bosses in this game just keep you super pumped. I screamed at the TV in this game more than I have at any game in a good while. I just couldn't help buy trash talk the assassins, and scream at them. Not angrily or out of frustration, but just because I was that into fighting them. It's got some of the best characters I've seen in a game in a good long while.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

Cant wait, only a few weeks until it comes out down under. It shall be my first Wii purchase of 08.