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Yeah, final fight, streets of rage, double dragon, river city ransom, those games were awesome. A genre that's pretty much dead, or evolved past recognition. I guess games like this are their spiritual successors though.

The jeane fight I didn't think was super entertaining, but looked really good. The way she would dodge all your attacks with travis swinging like 5 times in a second and she's just bobbing, weaving, ducking out of the way while cursing the whole time. It was kind of a hang back and wait for an opening fight, but it felt from a story point of view to be rather important, and it felt fast paced just because of the movement (even though it's a rather defensive fight, even if you are darksliding).

henry on the other hand is just a bad ass. 5 seconds into the fight I was just like "HOLY HELL", because he just comes out like a bolt of lightning, going nuts with the combos and looks awesome doing it. He's frikkin fast even on mild (on bitter he's ridiculously fast, you can't even keep your eye on him), and his moves and combos all look awesome and fluid. Especially his 1 hit kill move. Pissed me off first time he did it, then I learned to keep my distance when he takes that stance. Doing that double arm suplex on him just feels satisfying. I was actually swinging my arms in large exaggerated ways and shouting derisive profanity at him whenever I'd get a chance to suplex him.

The bosses in this game just keep you super pumped. I screamed at the TV in this game more than I have at any game in a good while. I just couldn't help buy trash talk the assassins, and scream at them. Not angrily or out of frustration, but just because I was that into fighting them. It's got some of the best characters I've seen in a game in a good long while.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.