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kirby007 said:
who gets tired of killing Natzis??
give me more ww2

 Fixed That could be considered rascist just because not all germans were natzis and in the war. 

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i think that they should make a history of the world game where like you get to fight in all the wars in the history of the planet. where like you fight in WW1, WW2, civil war, vietnam war, (aboriginal war), lol, and every other war they can think of.

the nintendo wii will outsell the ps3 and the 360 combined by the end of 2008.                           

        PS3 will out sell the 360 june 2010.                                                                      

  GOTY of 2008 is super smash brothers brawl.... hopefully.


Wii: 45 million         xbox360: 26 million       PS3: 19 million (made beginning of 08)

wii: 44 million         xbox 360: 24 million      PS3: 21 million (made june 08)

wii code: 8094-5344-2140-1400

brawl code: 5412-9565-3232   

kirby007 said:
who gets tired of killing germans??
give me more ww2

 "yuckie! ure racist"  end quote - Jack Thompson

Oh it could start all the way back to the greeks. It could also not be all fps. Maybe you travel back in time. Then finally you fight in the future(present for you).

The only WWII game that interests me is Turning point because it involves Germans coming here and is actually an original twist.

That being said, the demo for it sucked.

Come on Treyarch! listen to the crowd! Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2!!

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kirby007 said:
who gets tired of killing germans??
give me more ww2

 It should be focused on France after Germany takes it.  Americans, Canadians, French, and British against French and Germans.  You should be more rewarded for killing the French though, since they would be fighting against their own country.  Like a Nazi should take 3 shots to kill and a French should only take 2.


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Does anybody know any WWI games? I don't think there are too many.

sc94597 said:
Does anybody know any WWI games? I don't think there are too many.

yeah call of duty 5 : the trench war

kill more germans and even austrians and italians

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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antfromtashkent said:
i think they should make a civil war shooter... there hasnt been one of those i dont think

Actually there was. Snipers ruled in it. (Yes sniper rifles existed then... kinda) 

Of course that's always going to be the case when you have low ammo and high reload times.  Gotta make every shot count.

I forget what it's called... my friend hand it.

Edit: Here we go.

History Channel: The Civil War - A Nation Divided

I like the idea of Modern Combat, but I think that a Vietnam game would be good. Has anyone done that yet?