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Could it be that they might might might in a slight chance do WWII but instead of going against nazis you go against the japanese back in WWII. There aren't too many games like that and that may be because 2 consoles are owned by japanese companies and might not want a game like that. ( I highly doubt they would turn down a CoD game just because of their contries past.) It would be something really new and I would buy it then.  Thoughts?

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i think they should make a civil war shooter... there hasnt been one of those i dont think

Well it's not like WWII shooters sell well in Japan anyway, so it's possible, but I highly doubt it. For the sake of freshness though I hope they do something like that. Some side of WWII that hasn't been done to death.


@Antfromtashkent They already said it was WWII but that would be nice.

I'll wait for CoD 6

Modern Warfare pleeaase

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Maybe it could be an alternate reality where we have different weapons and things happen differently.

i dont get it.... do the devs of CoD not listen to ny of their fans who was saying they dont want another WW2 game? so far i havent seen nyone say that they wanted another WW2 game..... GET OFF THE DEAD HORSE DAMN IT!

antfromtashkent said:
i think they should make a civil war shooter... there hasnt been one of those i dont think

Reloads would be awesome. I could read a chapter of War and Peace in between musket shots.

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I heard that it would be coming out on the wii
In a another thread
But I'm still trying to get my hands on the 4th and a ps3 to play it.


Well at least this may bring something a little different but it would still be a little disappointing. Infinity Ward knows that we don't WWII anymore.