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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Who plans on downloading XNA and playing around because of XBLA Community?

I do. Anyone else?

I'm really looking forward to the potential behind this addition to XBL. While a lot of the material will be crap, there will surely be some real gems hidden in there and it will get a lot of people interested in XNA.

Oh, and don't even think about going off-topic in this thread. If you're not interested in XNA and XBLAC, don't post. 

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is it free?

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SSj12 has a good point there. I was assuming they charge in the other thead. If it is free I would have no problem with it. But I wouldn't feel like paying for crap. Ive tried creating my own skate park in THPS and it didn't ever come close to the pro maps.

XNA is free, not sure about the games. I don't see how MS could really charge for them, otherwise no one would ever try the content.

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I think is free because they are like trials.

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If it's free, count me in ...

MS's own words " Games will be democratized" meaning the creators of the game decide on the cost.

Some will be free, others will be priced

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


I'll download the free games!

gebx said:
MS's own words " Games will be democratized" meaning the creators of the game decide on the cost.

Some will be free, others will be priced

More commonly referred as "if I want anyone to play my game, I'll give it to them for free."

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I will use it for sure...

I am hoping for Beats of Rage mods galore...with achievements...j/k :)