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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Gears of War 2 dated: November 2008

The first Gears of War was due to arrive here in Australia two weeks after the US release. MS have been getting better, not worse at getting PAL regions games on or near the US release dates, so I'd say it will still be a November release for PAL gamers.

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coolestguyever said:
I know I'm probably the only one, and I'll probably get ridiculed for saying this but...I don't like Gears of War. I played it at my friends before I had 360 and I currently am renting it. I just don't like it like i like games such as R6V and CoD4.

I will rent GeOW2, but I won't hold my breath.

 Oh finally someone who agrees with me.  Gears of War was just not a good game.  And before people start bashing me its my opinion so deal with it.  I mean I'm not much of a shooter fan, but this game was just not anything special to me. 

I'm hoping Gears of War 2 will actually be something I enjoy, but Gears 1 was simply not good.  I know I'm a minority when I say it to.