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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The Official Microsoft Keynote Thread

a bit boring overall. Fable2/Ninja Gaiden2 nice but not really heart-stopping, Gears2 is cool, but almost expected and this XNA thing, if I want shareware I use my PC.
Not bad but could have been better.

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Gears 2 trailer:

DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ Rocketpig

I never said I wasn't excited, the particulars of it don't excite me. And I'm more concerned with the "why" right now.


Because it's a bitchin' idea that will bring indy developers to the 360 in droves.

You are so dense... Why would I care if it goes to 360? I own one.

It just seems to me that they are trying to follow in the footsteps of Sony, now trying to do user-created content. When a few months ago, Epic came out and said that they and Microsoft were having talks about User created content in UTIII, and they didn't want the mods in there. I never said I hated the idea. I just was trying to figure out where this sudden dash for User-created content on the 360 came from.

For the love of God, stop comparing this to LBP. It's not even in the same ballpark. Who knows how long MS has been working on this? I doubt they just tossed this together after Epic went public a few months ago about user mods in UT3.

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argh, arghhhhhhh, just a teaserrrrrrrrrrrr

Time to Work !

rocketpig said:
elnino334 said:
Heh people want original games yet when they are given an apportunity they are dismissed as crap before even trying them. So we have more games to play thanks to xnx yet somehow that is a bad thing LOL. Wii already has wiiware coming down and I am sure PSN will do something similar as they had mentioned gaming 3.0. Little big planet is just a small piece of that yet people think is the holy grail user created content though it has literally taken years to make. I am baised since I am excited bout what could come out of those "amatuer" games since only "real" programmers with big budgets have skills to do anything good.

In fanboy's eyes, why create an original game when you can create a level for an already-established game?

Now that's revolutionary and exciting, despite the fact that I've been playing user-created levels and mods in games since the mid-90s on PC. 

Rocketpig, for the last flippin time.  I am not not excited about this.  I just don't like to get excited about things without knowing the particulars.  The whole "ripoff" argument is null and void, that doesn't matter.  I just found that odd.  What I'm worried about is paying for these ametuer games.  if they're free, I'd be very happy, if they're five bucks... I don't know how happy I'd be.  And since they haven't gone into when this will start, pricing, etc.  How can I be excited?  I hardly know anything about it.  If you didn't take every question about something as a jab to your favorite system, you would fine many more intelligent conversations on this site.  But I know that you are just going to bold the last sentence and focus on that.

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By the way MS has been talking user created content for a VERY long time. Could it be they just happened to be prepare to showcase it and make it widely available? You know things don't happen overnight and it takes alot of work to launch something new succesfully. You think all the games currently available there just happened to be built overnight using a level editor lol. Again people just fell in love with lbp and right fully so since it looks like a promising game but even the snes had user created content. If I recall timesplitter allowed user created content. Not even going to bring up the PC since it is not even fair. Of course not everyone has a PC or if they do knows how to get access to all those flash games people keep talking about so now they will try some of those on their 360. Again is about expanding and making more games available in more placec for gamers to enjoy. Yes is nothing new persay but before today I didn't have access to those games but now I do so yes it is new.

ClaudeLv250 said:
disolitude said:


Do you have an example to prove me wrong? Otherwise you don't really have a point...

ROFFLE! You really do believe what you said...?

Hell, I don't even need to combine Nintendo and Sony, I can use just Nintendo, with their Fall 2007 conference back in October whch consisted of: Monster Hunter 3 coming exclusively to the Wii after having been announced exclusively for the PS3 at least a year before, Fire Emblem DS, SomaBringer for the DS: the first new game announced from Monolith since Nintendo bought them, Eternal Chronicle: another new DS RPG, Mario Baseball for Wii, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for WiiWare, DS Station demo downloads through your Wii, Pokemon Farm for WiiWare, Sonic in Smash Bros Brawl, Wii Music and that's just the conference. I could use some more examples that came afterwards like Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World coming to NA, or Fatal Frame 4 officially announced and confirmed to be coming to the Wii exclusively with Nintendo producing the game and publishing(with persistent rumors that they may have bought the IP from Tecmo).

Now don't get me wrong, I was underwheled by Microsoft's conference today about I don't think it was "bad" like some users in here do, but if you honestly believe that what they announced today is "more news" than Nintendo's Fall conference let alone Nintendo AND Sony's announcements for the past 6 months combined, you are out of your goddamn mind.

I am aware there are many different types of gamers out there...and that makes our argument completely irelevant. In my eyes stuff you listed there is not big news at all as I don't play RPG games nor have ever played Monster hunter or Fatal Frame series.  I did play GoW tho and loved every minute of it. Also its awesome to know I will be able to play ninja gaiden so soon... as far as XNA news, I want to see how microsoft delivers on that as it could be amazing but also it can go wrong in many different ways. If they don't have set pricing and let small devs set their own, this has huge potential.


XNA development by bedroom developers is nice. We had Easy AMOS, AMOS Pro and Blitz Basic for the Amiga. Most games were however crap or 'so, so' (still nice to download in the 80s and early 90s as 99% of the games were also completely free, available at, the biggest PD software archive for over a decade), but some nice things materialized as well such as the mega hit Worms which was created using Blitz Basic (also allowed user created content).

When Worms became a success formula Team 17 however had to totally redo the game engine to make the game suitable for cross-platform porting. If you are into professional games development it's better to learn to use professional tools.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

DMeisterJ said:
rocketpig said:
elnino334 said:
Heh people want original games yet when they are given an apportunity they are dismissed as crap before even trying them. So we have more games to play thanks to xnx yet somehow that is a bad thing LOL. Wii already has wiiware coming down and I am sure PSN will do something similar as they had mentioned gaming 3.0. Little big planet is just a small piece of that yet people think is the holy grail user created content though it has literally taken years to make. I am baised since I am excited bout what could come out of those "amatuer" games since only "real" programmers with big budgets have skills to do anything good.

In fanboy's eyes, why create an original game when you can create a level for an already-established game?

Now that's revolutionary and exciting, despite the fact that I've been playing user-created levels and mods in games since the mid-90s on PC.

Rocketpig, for the last flippin time. I am not not excited about this. I just don't like to get excited about things without knowing the particulars. The whole "ripoff" argument is null and void, that doesn't matter. I just found that odd. What I'm worried about is paying for these ametuer games. if they're free, I'd be very happy, if they're five bucks... I don't know how happy I'd be. And since they haven't gone into when this will start, pricing, etc. How can I be excited? I hardly know anything about it. If you didn't take every question about something as a jab to your favorite system, you would fine many more intelligent conversations on this site. But I know that you are just going to bold the last sentence and focus on that.

I wasn't even responding to you in that post. Nice cheapshots, though. That's two in a row for you. Care to go for the trifecta?

MS can't possibly charge for these games. No one would ever take a risk on a $3/5/8 amateur game just for the hell of it. 

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elnino334 said:
By the way MS has been talking user created content for a VERY long time. Could it be they just happened to be prepare to showcase it and make it widely available? You know things don't happen overnight and it takes alot of work to launch something new succesfully. You think all the games currently available there just happened to be built overnight using a level editor lol. Again people just fell in love with lbp and right fully so since it looks like a promising game but even the snes had user created content. If I recall timesplitter allowed user created content. Not even going to bring up the PC since it is not even fair. Of course not everyone has a PC or if they do knows how to get access to all those flash games people keep talking about so now they will try some of those on their 360. Again is about expanding and making more games available in more placec for gamers to enjoy. Yes is nothing new persay but before today I didn't have access to those games but now I do so yes it is new.

Elnino, Excitebike on NES FTW.

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