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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Ways to Extend Xbox 360 HD DVD's Life...LOL

Absolutely hilarious! And almost useful. And I need a bookend.
Maybe I should try e-bay for one.

Lost my faith in VGChartz. Too many stupid and ignorant Americans, even as moderators.

It's a shame, really. "The Boss" should do something radical about this Americanization, but it seems hardly feasible, so my days here are numbered.


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LoL, thats funny! Ahahha, although I'd to see even more bizarre things.

kingofwale said:
chris100185 said:
I'm still going to buy one. I figure in a few months, the player and HDDVDs will be in the bargain bin and I'll be able to get the players and a bunch of movies on the cheap.

Why? That's like saying you will go out and get a Beta player because Beta tapes are cheap.

Assuming there was minimal difference between VHS and Beta( A bit before my time) , yea, why not? The players and discs don't magically stop working just because the format's dead. There isn't much difference between Blu-Ray and HD-DVD. If in a few months I can get the player for around $50 and 4-5 movies for the cost of one Blu-Ray movie, Why shouldn't I get it?


hunter_alien said:
Book end is the best ... man its time to make fun of MS after what Sony went trough :P
Actually you should be making for of Toshiba since they're the ones who made HD-DVD. All Microsoft did was make an add-on that ended up not working out. Something every console maker does every generation. Microsoft even said they would consider making a Blu-Ray add-on if HD-DVD died.



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HAHAHA thats a badass list! Great Find!


Some of those are really creative too like Book end and Straight edge! I could've thought of doorstop, but some are awesome!

Lol most expensive book stop on the planet!