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Riot Of The Blood said:
Neos said:
Sony domination in japan starts in 2007, january 2008, , DMC4 february 2008, YAKUZA something?

*Sigh* More of your bullshit trolling... Don't you get sick of doing nothing but trolling everytime you log on?

 the biggest troll on the site complaining about trolling?




Anyway, i don't see why people are surprised about PS3 numbers... it should be expected, i guess it will stay between 15-25k for a long time. 

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

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Read my first comment. It appears I am right. This would explain why source was high last week. His retailer got bigger than average shipments last week smaller than average this week.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

@Machina-AX : because it seems it the PS3 as reach it's "normal' sales, meaning around 20k which is... terrible...

If Wii can keep this pace (with Mario Kart and FF CC coming around the corner), Sony is delt with in Japan for the beginning of 2008.

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actually riot, my fuel for it is delivered by persons such as you.

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


Neos said:
kingofwale said:
stranne said:
OK, some X360 love:®1=Japan&cons2=XB®2=Japan&cons3=X360®3=------&weeks=156

comparing failure with a bigger failure isn't showing love. :(


now, where's that guy who bet 360 won't fall under 4k for the rest of the year with me? Damn me and my memory

 either gebx stickball or legend :P

Not quite. Thibje was the one claiming that it wouldn't go under 4k. I laughed at him, gebx, and legend weren't there. Weren't you the one on the Prediction League claiming the X360 wouldn't sell over 13m units LTD in 2007?

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

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mrstickball said:
Neos said:
kingofwale said:
stranne said:
OK, some X360 love:®1=Japan&cons2=XB®2=Japan&cons3=X360®3=------&weeks=156

comparing failure with a bigger failure isn't showing love. :(


now, where's that guy who bet 360 won't fall under 4k for the rest of the year with me? Damn me and my memory

either gebx stickball or legend :P

Not quite. Thibje was the one claiming that it wouldn't go under 4k. I laughed at him, gebx, and legend weren't there. Weren't you the one on the Prediction League claiming the X360 wouldn't sell over 13m units LTD in 2007?

 no i had one of the highest accuracy percentages for that one, so i was really close

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!


wuau ... those are really poor numbers for the PS3, and even better than expected for Wii and some of its games i'm really happy for Ninty !!.

360 is dead overthere ( eventhough it will do much better than the old xbox i think :P ) and whay will it take to help the PS3 in Japan ?, i mean ... people talks about games ... price cuts, new models ... and still it doesn't take off, i hope MGS4 and FFXIII can do something :D.

-- Live only for tomorrow, and you will have a lot of empty yesterdays today--

 Tavin:  "Old school megaman is THE BEST megaman"      courtesy of fkusumot :)

My mind has changed. My strength has not.    Kamahl, Fist of Krosa


@bigjon, you are right. Hopefully SSBB stay > 100k next week and beyond.

WW Market share prediction on 31st March 08 (I make this prediction on 13 Dec 07):

Wii - 50%

X360 - 30%

PS3 - 20%

Has anyone thus far questioned the source of the numbers?
because thus far no one has and I see no links to say where these numbers come from, so I question weather these numbers are in fact real or just bullshit.

Just thought about pointing out the obvious.


You are right. Nothing from Y-koron to solidify these numbers yet, they are on NeoGaf however, and they do claim to have a new leak, and thats where these numbers come from. I guess we will wait and see. But nothing really seems out of the ordinary here except for the PSP dip.