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Forums - General Discussion - How does one use HTML Code to make post a picture that links to another pic

Isn't it?

{img src="http:/www.leroy.jpg"}http:/www.leroy.jpg{/src}{/img}

({ = [ )

Around the Network

seriously, help


Girl Gamer Elite said:

Isn't it?

{img src="http:/www.leroy.jpg"}http:/www.leroy.jpg{/src}{/img}

({ = [ )

You need double / for one thing...  Plus another slsh in there between host address and filename...

If you want a clickable link you use a href around it.


{a href="http://clicked.picture.url"}{img src="http://shown.picture.url"}{/a}

Around the Network

Good question :) I tried to do it before and it didn't work. I'll have to try Morgyn's answer next time I post pics.

I found out that

[ url=www.linkedpicture.jpg ] [ img ] www.displayedpicture.jpg [ /img ] [ /url ]

works, just take out the spaces

Aww... no one wanted to help you...

DMeisterJ said:
Aww... no one wanted to help you...

Actually several did, I had already figured it out by then though. No Biggie. No I have a cute picture in my sig.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
DMeisterJ said:
Aww... no one wanted to help you...

Actually several did, I had already figured it out by then though. No Biggie. No I have a cute picture in my sig.

 why was i expecting this..

Neos - "If I'm posting in this thread it's just for the lulz."
Tag by the one and only Fkusumot!