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Forums - PC Discussion - The PC 'game console'? It's true!

steven787 said:
I think it is a secondary software platform that makes it easier to port games, they won't be the PS3 games, they will be ports.

This is basically an OS on top of an OS that allows for more tools, features, and a billing structure...

Think something that combines a development suite and a market place in one...

Kinda like Steam or Microsoft Live but more intergrated with the games.

 you have no idea what your talking about if your including steam. Steam is just a platform to launch games andhave a basic community. Just like Xfire.

this is just like Live but sadly it is worse. 

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kenzomatic said:
Maybe I'm reading this wrong but I think it's suppost to be like steam.

It's a marketing tool. It will provide an online experience and marketing for game developers and publishers... Sounds a lot like steam to me.


EDIT: I know what I am talking about, You can purchase games on Steam.  That is what this is, little more than a marketing tool the difference is people have to pay for this. 

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:
ssj12 said:
oh btw, remember someone said some other company would join the console race... this is it, LMFAO.

Apple seriously needs to join, screw these BS phantom consoles.

 Joining the Console war would be bad for Apple, it might be good for gaming but but it would be bad for Apple.  Apple needs to continue to garnering support for games on Mac.

 now that you can upgrade Macs like a PC there is no issues with games on Macs anymore. 

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
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why would i want a console experience, if i have a mouse and keyboard?

More importantly, how is this even going to work? They're going to emulate the consoles? ask companies to make port over?

ssj12 said:
steven787 said:
ssj12 said:
oh btw, remember someone said some other company would join the console race... this is it, LMFAO.

Apple seriously needs to join, screw these BS phantom consoles.

Joining the Console war would be bad for Apple, it might be good for gaming but but it would be bad for Apple. Apple needs to continue to garnering support for games on Mac.

now that you can upgrade Macs like a PC there is no issues with games on Macs anymore.


Apple could make money off games made for mac.  There are people who don't like MS, and would goto Mac if they could play more games with out having to boot up Windows on a Mac.    

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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There is still one massive issue with making games for Mac: You have to make the games compatible with Mac OS. You can't get around that, and it's not as easy as telling the program that it just happens to be on a different OS.

If it were that simple, Macs would be able to play any PC game released recently without issue. It can't. One of the big things is that Macs don't have the long-standing support that MS has provided with DirectX.

And on the issue of Apple not being able to profit from the console industry (as someone mentioend), well, tha's just not true. They'd work off of a different business model than Sony or MS and wouldn't seem like a traditional console, but they could carve a niche and make money off of it. The trick is that it needs to be your "iHome" and work as a simpler method of using your iPod than a PC, among other non-gaming things. The gaming would be secondary, sorta like on the PS3.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

ChichiriMuyo said:
There is still one massive issue with making games for Mac: You have to make the games compatible with Mac OS. You can't get around that, and it's not as easy as telling the program that it just happens to be on a different OS.

If it were that simple, Macs would be able to play any PC game released recently without issue. It can't. One of the big things is that Macs don't have the long-standing support that MS has provided with DirectX.

And on the issue of Apple not being able to profit from the console industry (as someone mentioend), well, tha's just not true. They'd work off of a different business model than Sony or MS and wouldn't seem like a traditional console, but they could carve a niche and make money off of it. The trick is that it needs to be your "iHome" and work as a simpler method of using your iPod than a PC, among other non-gaming things. The gaming would be secondary, sorta like on the PS3.

 I think you are right, but taking the idea of an Apple Console in the wrong direction, with the Ipod Touch there is a possibility to make gaming a more serious part of the business.  I don't have any idea how hard it would be to make the Ipod Touuch more game friendly, but it seem much less risky than a home console.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

BenKenobi88 said: I the only one or does this not make any sense at all?? you download a Blu-Ray PS3 game...then play it on a PC? Maaybe a 360 game since the architecture is similar...but a PS3 game? Not that PC couldn't handle what the PS3 does, but it's built freaking different!

Or are these just simple, casual games that you can play on PC, PS3, or 360...and that they're simply designing games for all three systems at the same time...aka...nothing different at all...

Nah, they'd have to port the games from PPC based to x86 based!

This makes no sense to me either... 


ssj12 said:
err... Wildtangent.. that was the last company I would trust with a game console. It will fail.

I agree. Wild Tangent is a joke. Failure is imminent.

Words Of Wisdom said:
ssj12 said:
err... Wildtangent.. that was the last company I would trust with a game console. It will fail.

I agree. Wild Tangent is a joke. Failure is imminent.

Wild Tanget is bullshit.

When I looked through my dad's new computer, it had about 30 games on it.

All of them were on the Wild Tanget crap, and the best part, they were all trials.

Oh wait, I forgot the 2nd best part. THEIR GAMES SUCK!