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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Mario Kart Wii Thread

^ Nice vid...YAY, 5 days until we know everything in Mario Kart!!


Around the Network

the person playing the game sucked really bad, i was surprised he got from last place to first place,

this is the first mario kart that has the giant mushroom item, like seen in the video i put,

but when is this going to be released in the u.s?
many sites have different dates

^ LOL he was pretty lucky.....April 27 is the release date BTW


^ thanks dude, to bad i cant buy it, i have to save some cash

I'm starting to think Mario Kart Wii won't be a 90+ game (AAA) and won't be as good as Brawl. I'll still buy it, don't get me wrong, but I think I can wait a while. I'll buy Okami first and when I get the money for MK, I'll buy it then. I don't know, I just don't seem to be very hyped for the game. With Brawl, I was eager to know everything about it, but with MK I'm rather apathetic.

I can't wait to see if people like it.

3DS FC: 1306 6473 7511

Nintendod Network ID: xsorenx

Add me for Pokemon, New Leaf, and Fire Emblem, Mario Kart 8.

Around the Network

check out the wii wheel prototypes the black one is sexy as hell !

4 Days - Japan

5 Days - Europe

18 Days - Australia

21 Days - America

Only four days for Japan. Mario Kart Wii is nearly here guys. Get you engines ready for VGchartz Tournements!!

Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

I estimated 750K first week for Japan + Europe (for calculation see

What do you guys think it will sell?

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

brawl4life said:

check out the wii wheel prototypes the black one is sexy as hell !

 i like the black one too, it looks way better than the other ones

The golden one should be limited edition.