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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Mario Kart Wii Thread

Aargh can't wait :(.

Around the Network

6 Days - Japan

7 Days - Europe

20 Days - Australia

23 Days - America

Less than a week for Japan & 1 week for Europe

Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

 Sorry for the horrible formating! Fixed now, I hope.

1) Is GP mode available for 2 players (most likely yes)?

Yes, it is available for 2 players

2) Is GP mode available for 3 and 4 players?

 No, it is not available for 3 and 4, although you can drive vs against bots with that many, I believe.

3) Since there are now 12 drivers in a race, what's the point system in GP mode?

The point system is as follows:

1st: 15
2nd: 12
3rd: 10
4th: 8
5th: 7
6th: 6
7th: 5
8th: 4
9th: 3
10th: 2
11th: 1
12th: 0

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

ZOMG! I saw a Mario Kart Wii commercial!

It was different from all the ones I've seen, and there were Norwegians speaking, so it's a Norway only commercial, I guess.

I loved it, but to be honest, most of you guys would have hated it. They presented it as a party game, almost like Mario Party, but perhaps even more extreme.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

On Iwata Asks: Mario Kart Wii they discuss about the online, I suggest you guys read it.

Around the Network

The official website confirmes that all 32 courses can be played on wi-fi!
YES!!! *glares at Mario Kart DS*

Well thats good that all 32 are playable!

5 Days - Japan

6 Days - Europe

19 Days - Australia

22 Days - America

Only less than 5 days when we know all of Mario Kart Wii's secrets. lol atleast it will put all those rumors to rest.

And also less than basically 20 days for every other region of the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Less than a week for Japan & 1 week for Europe

Wii Friendcode - 6327 2612 7683 5724

feel free to add me whenever (just PM me to let me know)

Warning: Challenger Approaching! Possible SPOILER! Be awared

Solid Snake is in! 

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

new video of the bowser stage


Bowser Castle 3 was the only GBA course I liked! :)