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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Too Human: Fail or Win

Griffin said:
The two new videos in the GDC08 section are the first video's i watched for the game and i have to say i'm impressed, the game looks like lots of fun. Alot more fun then the 4hours i've seen of Mass Effect.

 Can't say I disagree about the combat being more fun than Mas Effect's

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It will be the 360's Lair...

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

IllegalPaladin said:
I'm not really caring that much for the game. Part of it is because we keep hearing about it and yet it isn't out and that has made me rather uncaring for what really happens with it. Also, they did the Twin Snakes port to the Gamecube and I really hated that game, they took a good story and game and decided to pour 100% Matrix like action into it and I think it ruins something that was already amazing on the PS1.
   Twin Snakes just proved that a remake with updated graphics doesn't necessarily make a better game, it wasn't as good as the PS1 original. If I'm not mistaken, Konami handled all the cut scenes. The reason they were like that was because they were directed by Ryuhei Kitamura, who did the movie "Versus", which is a sweet movie by the way. I though Twin Snakes was a pretty good movie- uh, I mean, game.  The 40-60 hour gameplay sounds great for Too Human, games are way too short these days. The Mass Effect main quest is only 20 hours, thats pretty short for an RPG.



WiiU Network ID:  the_Ultros

PSN: Anthaleigh

Xbxox Live:  campblood1980

I find it almost hypocritical that certain posters have a distorted sense of value. Some of the posters who are attacking Too Human for its graphical polish are some of the same posters who will give a Wii game a pass in the graphics department, because the game play is so good. I would say to those posters do you actually have any standards beyond a name brand?

There is a saying I seem to recall about those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I would say if you give Nintendo the chance to compensate by only producing cartoon fair, you should probably compliment Silicon Knights for not hiding their vision through weak graphical devices.

That said the graphics may not be spectacular, but they do look passable. The game play looks more like Crackdown on the 360 then anything else. For those that haven't played Crackdown it looks just as clunky as this, and the animations aren't anything spectacular. Yet the game works the camera work didn't compromise the game play at all.

Honestly I liked Crackdown, but it was more of a renting title rather then a owning title. The game tried at some depth with role playing elements, but they weren't terribly deep or rewarding. The combat was diverse, but not effectively challenging. Basically you could roll up Crackdown in under ten hours. There might be room for this title in that vein if it can maintain a balance, and can be rewarding on all sides.

There's an interview/demo video here

I like the interactive cut scenes and the no loading screens, and 1000's of different weapons! The game is looking pretty cool so far. The best thing for them to do is get the demo out, considering all the bad press the game has received so far.

WiiU Network ID:  the_Ultros

PSN: Anthaleigh

Xbxox Live:  campblood1980

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WIN! Absolutely! Eternal Darkness was the best game last-generation! They made that game! Instant win for them! Even if it's not a succes sales-wise...


From the vid's I've seen on GT, I'm a little disappointed, the visuals just aren't clean enough (there are jagged edges everywhere! Buildings! surfaces! Clothes!) and the gameplay looks pretty repetitive, the player basically uses the same combo for the entire set of video's (which is like 5) I've seen and the AI ridiculously idiotic. They were setting it up to be an action rpg, but these days (after the death of greats like Diablo) action rpg = hack and slash.

I think the story will be more epic then ME if they pull it off.

Lair for XBOX 360.

Game is in development forever? Check.
Extremly hyped? Check
Doesn't look good with near release? Check.

This is Lair all over again, which is why I'm not excited.

Legend11 said:
People should remember this thread and come back to it when the game is released in May...

Surly, why not


Dodece said:
Some of the posters who are attacking Too Human for its graphical polish are some of the same posters who will give a Wii game a pass in the graphics department, because the game play is so good. I would say to those posters do you actually have any standards beyond a name brand?

It's not a resolution which you think makes graphics passable. Wii titles graphics look as much good as their game play so much wonderful is. And 360 titles, namely Too Human, seem struggling to deliver either part of this.

DMeisterJ said:
Lair for XBOX 360.

Don't be jealous

360 needs to get laird too