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I find it almost hypocritical that certain posters have a distorted sense of value. Some of the posters who are attacking Too Human for its graphical polish are some of the same posters who will give a Wii game a pass in the graphics department, because the game play is so good. I would say to those posters do you actually have any standards beyond a name brand?

There is a saying I seem to recall about those that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. I would say if you give Nintendo the chance to compensate by only producing cartoon fair, you should probably compliment Silicon Knights for not hiding their vision through weak graphical devices.

That said the graphics may not be spectacular, but they do look passable. The game play looks more like Crackdown on the 360 then anything else. For those that haven't played Crackdown it looks just as clunky as this, and the animations aren't anything spectacular. Yet the game works the camera work didn't compromise the game play at all.

Honestly I liked Crackdown, but it was more of a renting title rather then a owning title. The game tried at some depth with role playing elements, but they weren't terribly deep or rewarding. The combat was diverse, but not effectively challenging. Basically you could roll up Crackdown in under ten hours. There might be room for this title in that vein if it can maintain a balance, and can be rewarding on all sides.