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Forums - General Discussion - Optical Illusion

Yeah quite impressive, but I could tell it was Jesus Christ from the start.

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You can see a lot of visual illusions here:

and here:

Pretty interesting stuff!

Thatmax said:
once u done it once its not as impressive as before cos you can see what its gonna end up as, but its still pretty gosh darn fun

This one is amazing aswell, if you havent done this one yet have you been living under a rck or what?!?!?

 Damn i have been living under a rock, that one rocks!;p

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What a way to damage your sight, I don't think these kind of things are good for the eye's health


Chuck Norris can kill two stones with one bird. 

Vladex - That is where Eye Training for the DS comes in.

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Lol twestern I skipped all the way to the end to make sure it wasnt.

Man that's amazing, I remember doing that when I was young with my grandma.