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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony to see 10% boost in PS3 sales

CrazzyMan said:
PS3 BEST media Center will sell FANTASTIC!

PS3 Since January 08' outselling x360 in UK.
PS3 Since January 08' outselling x360 in NA.
PS3 Since December 07' outselling x360 WW.


And still being thumped by Wii since November 06 



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I concur. It will only help sales.

I can't possibly see sales going down, only up.

Should help sales. Question is will it help game sales?

Say it is 10%. How much of that 10% is from people who would of got 360? How many is people who just want a blu-ray player, and may pick up Madden or something? How many are people who just thought the PS3 was too expensive and this pushes them over the edge? (which helps momentum but isn't a boost in sales so much as a shift in which the sales occur.)

You know what would be funny? If future Wii consoles got built-in Blu-Ray players.

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a.l.e.x00 said:
You know what would be funny? If future Wii consoles got built-in Blu-Ray players.

 lolz, yeah that would be funny, but you know what would be even funnier is if nintendo went back to cartidge format, Casuals games FTW!!!

Troll_Monster said:
a.l.e.x00 said:
You know what would be funny? If future Wii consoles got built-in Blu-Ray players.

 lolz, yeah that would be funny, but you know what would be even funnier is if nintendo went back to cartidge format, Casuals games FTW!!!

 SSDs are basically cartridges.  Computing is going that way and IMHO so will consoles again.

It seems the mods need help with this forum.  I have zero tolerance for trolling, platform criticism (Rule 4), and poster bad-mouthing (Rule 3.4) and you will be reported.

Review before posting:

It appears that people seem to be of the opinion that there are some who watch movies and like HD, and others that play games. I do both, and I'm sure a lot of others do too, so if I hadn't already purchased a system yet for watching my movies and playing my games because the format war was still ongoing, what do you think I'd go and buy now?

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