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Forums - General Discussion - What country are you from?

Winland, the Land of Eternal Darkness and Polar Bears. We also got Santa Claus.

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Orange Star.

hunter_alien said:
Europe - Romania ... and Im not alone on this site , Rhonin the Wizard is from here to ;)

I'm from Romania too, Iasi to be more specific.

The United Kingdoms of Great Britian and Northern Island.

That's right, folks. Northen Island ISN'T part of Great Britain, but it is part of the United Kingdom.

England and Wales joint together in 1284
England, Wales and Scotland formed a Kingdom of Great Britain in 1603
England, Wales, Scotland and Northen Island formed the United Kingdoms of Great Britian and Northern Island 
in 1800

'Tis a shame that most people iving here don't know the difference between GB and UK. 

mancandy said:
San Diego, California, USA!!!

 ever heard of three mile heart procession?


Central Coast, California, here. 

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Portugal, Europe, Earth, Sun, Milky Way

Isto o que vale é que como se fala inglês, ninguém percebe um cú do que ando aqui a escrever e portanto não me podem acusar de andar a dizer asneiras. HAHA

Machina-AX said:
T013 said:
okr said:
RCTjunkie said:
USA, & tired of Europeans bashing us.


I really don't understand why so many Europeans act so snobbish while loving Halo, CSI, Pixar movies, 50 Cent (to name just a few random examples).

How many Europeans watch European movies (except the French, bien sûr...)?

O please. You benefit from Europe too, and when we bash your country, it's usually about politics (can't speak for everyone though) or the amount of fat people in the USA. Don't take it too personally.

Ye in the UK it's usually because of President Bush. If the Democratic candidate wins the next general election America will be viewed much more positively, in the UK at least.

Other than myself I can't say I really know anyone that actually likes America amongst my friends.

Certainly it's mainly about politics and there are reasons for this, at least at the moment (the current US government is flexing human rights and denies the US proportion of global warming). But bashing fat people in the USA is just ridiculous; it's so easy - and poor imo - to make fun of those people, but overweight is a problem of all so-called industrial nations except the Asian ones (although I fear that they will catch up). And it's interesting how few European governments and individuals criticize Russia or China for their interpretation of human rights.

I just wanted to point out that many Europeans seem to consider themselves superior to US people but at the same time they neglect the fact that the US culture and economy still have an enormous influence on Europe.

I'm not from USA, but I can I understand them being tired of being bashed by Europeans. The Europeans as well would "take it personally" if their countries would be constantly criticized.

Anyway: This topic was discussed in other threads before, so I don't want to derail this one any further.

california usa


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The Canada eh!

Melbourne, Australia.