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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Are Xbox One buyers REALLY paying $100 more for weaker hardware?

method114 said:
alrightiwill said:
Xbox One prioritised a different set up than PS4. It costs more because of it's Kinect and HDMI in functionality. To keep the price lower, they sacrificed a bit in APU specs. Simple as that. I'm sure XBO will pick up in sales when it's TV features become more prevalent although it'll probably become more like a set top box for it's life like how PS3 was a bluray player for the beginning of its life.

I don't see why people would want to use the X1 over the cable box. PIP is not a new fearture and has been around forever and isn't even really used anymore I haven't seen the need for PIP in a long time. Then again I watch everything through my HTPC without commercials which is the only situation in which I would use PIP is to avoid watching commercials.

I just think the X1 hoped on the "Cable box" train way to late. Cable TV is being faded out and a lot of the younger generation espicially is moving away from that.

I have a friend at work that got an Xbox One on day one and he was bragging about the features.  I actually like the idea of a PIP function on a game (my TVs have the option but they can only do one HDMI connected device at a time).  Anyway, every feature he bragged about for his Xbox One, I said "Xbox can already do that", "Xbox 360 already has that game", or "My TV can already do that."

I totally ruined his happiness.  I'm a real asshole sometimes.  :(

If/when I get an Xbone, I can see myself watching WWE while I play Call of Duty or playing WWE while I watch CSI or something.  I'll use it!

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Not in Brazil, here I paid a thousand dollars less than the ps4 cost. =D
oficial Brazil Xbox One: US$ 1000.
oficial Brazil PS4: US$ 2000.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

WagnerPaiva said:
Not in Brazil, here I paid a thousand dollars less than the ps4 cost. =D
oficial Brazil Xbox One: US$ 1000.
oficial Brazil PS4: US$ 2000.

*jaw drops*

If I lived in Brazil, I'd probably read a lot more books.

d21lewis said:

Because I just watched an unboxing on Youtube.  Now, at this point, nobody can deny that the PS4 is more powerful when it comes to running games.  Maybe Xbox One developers will close the gap.  Maybe PS4 developers will widen the gap.  Who can say?  Witches?  Genies?  Unicorns?  Anyway, it's the common argument that Xbox One owners are paying more for weaker hardware.  The thing can't even run most games at 1080p!  But when you look at what comes in the box, the $100 difference is kinda justified.

  • The Xbox is a BIG console.  You probably get like $20 more in the extra plastic and power brick alone.  Sony gives you some generic power cord.
  • You get a REAL headset.  The PS4 came with some flimsy wire with an ear bud on the end. 
  • The Xbox One comes with the new Kinect.  Hate it or love it, the original Kinect cost like $150. 
  • The Xbox One has apps that the PS4 doesn't, yet. 
  • The Xbox One has an IR blaster that can control your TV and stuff right out of the box  (The Wii U controller can control your TV, too.  Just saying.).  The PS4 can't.
  • The Xbox One has that HDMI IN that pretty much gives you an extra HDMI port for your TV AND lets you integrate functions into your console.
  • The PS4 doesn't come with a free month of PS Plus (even the PS3 I got on Black Friday came with that!) but it does come with a $10 PSN voucher. 

Now, there may be more that the Xbox One has that the PS4 doesn't.  I don't know.  I only own the PS4.  With that said, I guess it all depends on your priorities if the extra $100 is worth it or not.  From my point of view, if the PS4 earned its $399 price tag then the Xbox One earned its $499 price tag.  Xbox One owners aren't paying more for weaker hardware.  They're paying more for more.


Your thoughts?

I agree. People are writing off Kinect and the voice control of your DVR, blu ray player, and television tuner along with all the games you can play with it in the future as though it's worth nothing. The HDMI pass through is awesome. The Snap feature for games/netflix or hulu or TV or whatever else is awesome. You do get a lot of great apps that are fun like TED talks. PS4 is a great value, but people act like the Xbox One is stupid, and that's just biased.

Both the systems are great. People who love games should own both. But people who just own one or the other, as long as they made a choice that best suits their needs, are not stupid. Eithe r way!

I'm not planning on buying either console for probably at least another 7 months or so, so that's how long Sony and MS have to convince me to buy their console.

Right now with PS4 being $100 cheaper, and 'arguably' having the better lineup at this choice would be Sony. I like the extra value you mentioned of the one month free live, and better headset (small issue though, I'll probably buy a 3rd party headset like a turtle beach anyways), but I just can't get past Kinect being bundled in. Obviously that's the main reason for the XB1 bein $100 you put, the original Kinect was $150 back in the day. I don't want Kinect for games, and I'm just as fine manually hitting the power button as I am saying "Xbox On".

If they were equally priced I'd maybe buy the XB1, then try to sell the Kinect for $75 on Kijiji or something.

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d21lewis said:
WagnerPaiva said:
Not in Brazil, here I paid a thousand dollars less than the ps4 cost. =D
oficial Brazil Xbox One: US$ 1000.
oficial Brazil PS4: US$ 2000.

*jaw drops*

If I lived in Brazil, I'd probably read a lot more books.

No when I tell you how much a book costs here =/ It is the damn taxes the corrupt government aplies to everything. And the brazilian people is too stupid to complain, and we are also a bunch of cowards.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Saying that you're paying extra because the console is bigger makes absolutely no sense. Yes, a couple of materials are used more in a bigger console, but that's cheap stuff like copper wire and plastic (as opposed to the expensive hard drives and chips. A bigger console is cheaper because it was easier to design and manufacture.

I don't think that the hardware itself warranted the price difference, at least not completely, but that's not to say Microsoft is just taking the money and pocketing it. They also are doing a major server upgrade, so the X1 hardware itself isn't the only thing on Microsoft's budget.

$500 for the X1 is, all things considered, a fair price, but so is the PS4's $400. If you're after a console, you'll probably lean toward the PS4 purely because it's cheaper. If you're leaning toward multimedia, you should probably get a Wii U, which does TV integration, web browsing, and youtube all better than the X1 at $200 less (Skype is the major loss.)

Egann said:
 If you're leaning toward multimedia, you should probably get a Wii U, which does TV integration, web browsing, and youtube all better than the X1 at $200 less (Skype is the major loss.)

Oh, really? TV integration is better on Wii U? YouTube is BETTER on the Wii U? That's fascinating.

I own both, and I can tell you right now that you are either uninformed or saying falsehoods deliberately.

VitroBahllee said:
Egann said:
 If you're leaning toward multimedia, you should probably get a Wii U, which does TV integration, web browsing, and youtube all better than the X1 at $200 less (Skype is the major loss.)

Oh, really? TV integration is better on Wii U? YouTube is BETTER on the Wii U? That's fascinating.

I own both, and I can tell you right now that you are either uninformed or saying falsehoods deliberately.

I own neither, but the Video Games Awesome with the Xbox One left me convinced voice commands were iffy, and I've heard numerous times that the Wii U can web browse while running youtube, complements to the gamepad. The X1's snap approach just looks cluttery, even when it works well.

Egann said:
Saying that you're paying extra because the console is bigger makes absolutely no sense. Yes, a couple of materials are used more in a bigger console, but that's cheap stuff like copper wire and plastic (as opposed to the expensive hard drives and chips. A bigger console is cheaper because it was easier to design and manufacture.

I don't think that the hardware itself warranted the price difference, at least not completely, but that's not to say Microsoft is just taking the money and pocketing it. They also are doing a major server upgrade, so the X1 hardware itself isn't the only thing on Microsoft's budget.

$500 for the X1 is, all things considered, a fair price, but so is the PS4's $400. If you're after a console, you'll probably lean toward the PS4 purely because it's cheaper. If you're leaning toward multimedia, you should probably get a Wii U, which does TV integration, web browsing, and youtube all better than the X1 at $200 less (Skype is the major loss.)

I was just kidding about the "bigger" thing. It was a joke!