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method114 said:
alrightiwill said:
Xbox One prioritised a different set up than PS4. It costs more because of it's Kinect and HDMI in functionality. To keep the price lower, they sacrificed a bit in APU specs. Simple as that. I'm sure XBO will pick up in sales when it's TV features become more prevalent although it'll probably become more like a set top box for it's life like how PS3 was a bluray player for the beginning of its life.

I don't see why people would want to use the X1 over the cable box. PIP is not a new fearture and has been around forever and isn't even really used anymore I haven't seen the need for PIP in a long time. Then again I watch everything through my HTPC without commercials which is the only situation in which I would use PIP is to avoid watching commercials.

I just think the X1 hoped on the "Cable box" train way to late. Cable TV is being faded out and a lot of the younger generation espicially is moving away from that.

I have a friend at work that got an Xbox One on day one and he was bragging about the features.  I actually like the idea of a PIP function on a game (my TVs have the option but they can only do one HDMI connected device at a time).  Anyway, every feature he bragged about for his Xbox One, I said "Xbox can already do that", "Xbox 360 already has that game", or "My TV can already do that."

I totally ruined his happiness.  I'm a real asshole sometimes.  :(

If/when I get an Xbone, I can see myself watching WWE while I play Call of Duty or playing WWE while I watch CSI or something.  I'll use it!