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20.2... I'm fat >_>

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i'm 22.4




BMI Categories:

  • Underweight = <18.5
  • Normal weight = 18.5-24.9
  • Overweight = 25-29.9
  • Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater


Kasz216 said:

Though I am 5'6. Which... the BMI is pretty inaccurate for people who are really tall or really short.

The BMI actually sucks horribly... the only reason people use it is because it's really easy to calculate.

 I agree, BMI is retarded, like those weights that supposedly tells you body fat percentage and water content etc. They tried it on an on-season bodybuilder on Norwegian TV and all the weights showed he had over 40% body fat... He had around 6.5% measured the old way!

BMI is mostly used in ladies magazines to make them feel bad and buy the crap they advertise in it... 

I'm a 23BMI. Resting heart Rate is a much better indicator of fitness. I can get down into the low 50 bpm.

BMI is overrated. Heavily.

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26.5 6'7 235lbs

18.8 :P

I have jello legs/butt though... O_o And I don't look skinny... This thing is flawed.

I prefer to go by body fat percentage. Though I don't know what mine is though my goal is about 7-8.




I'm 193cm and 90kg, which hopefully means my height screws up the calculation. =P

Used to be a really skinny bastard, but gained 5kg or so during the last year. I blame games for making me lazy.

25.7. I'm 6'1 and close too 200 pounds. Damn muscle weights more than fat. I use too be really fat until 2 years ago when I started working out.

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