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@ WhiteDevil

You'd win. I fight like a little bitch.

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According to the site I'm 23.1 I'm not sure if thats good or bad >_>; but I'm fairly muscular. 6'1 @ 175lbs.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

Mine's 33, but like a user above me said; BMI is only sheer mass divided unto length, taking into account nothing regarding frame or muscles. I've been working out like crazy the last year and nearly doubled my upper body muscle mass, so that's bound to mean something.
I do have way too much fat though, especially the gut is a bit flabby...


Dont worry ive never been in a fight, i always work out ways around it, i fight like a bitch to XD i prob fight with my boss more than anything

^ LOL. I feel sorry for your boss. Doesn't he know that a pet detective will take him out?

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Nar my boss is like strong as a ox. but i still try.. sometimes i win.. (thats againest the smaller one)

but the bigger one.. hes like huge.. hes pick me up one hand freaky. BUT i have had him on the floor 2twice :)

^ What the hell Job do you have? Where you and your bosses fight?

31.9. Ooooh yaaaa. That makes me obese! I'm going to start eating you
6'3 255 lbs, don't look obese, I'm just big boned and soft like a teddy bear. But I can rape face if needed. :o

21.9 for me. I've taken quite an interest in trying to stay fit this last year. I've lost about 10 pounds and put on a fair bit of muscle.

Infact, I'll be going to the Y to go swimming today. God I love swimming. It's a shame I'm so bad at it.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I have 5.6


Yes, i know, really low... But im healthy! I eat a lot! I just digest my food really quickly and stuff... Dunno exactly! But i eat more, and more fat food than most people my age!

I do a lot of sports:

Football (European style)








Length: 1.78 meters.

Weight: 52 kg.

Age: 16.