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Forums - General Discussion - Who is the funniest vgchartz member?

Whats so funny about TheSource?

oh, and I forgot about RocketPig. him too.

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Its Rol to be honest. Just the single Wii bingo thread was enough to secure that.

Weezy is just mildly insane, he is sometimes slightly amusing and othertimes rather annoying. Honestly though, in overall funny hes no more amusing than Soriku/Leo.

Stof, then Rol and fsukumot...

By me:

Made with Blender + LuxRender
"Since you can´t understand ... there is no point to taking you seriously."

weezy? How is he funny? He is annoying

PSN NAME : CommonCriminal

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PDF said:
I already created a poll that asked that question.

Rolstoppable won but it seems that leo-j caught up since I last checked.

The people on the list were nominated. If your not on the list you dint get nominated 3 times. That was the requirement. Maby if weezy was on the list he could of won.

make sure you scroll down to the funniest one.

 yeah, no. The list in those polls is just horrible. GGE for god's sake shouldn't be in any list that isn't about carnnies. 

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Carnnies... wtf... all they are good for is squatting.

Leo-J is very, very funny because he creates his own facts and actually believes them.

Crazzyman is pretty funny sometimes

Unfunniest user goes to naznatips.

Rocketpig, then Weezy, then the comments about Leo-j and Crazzyman are the best, thats more of a community humor thing though, and myself =D I kid I kid

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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