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Forums - Sony Discussion - PlayStation 4 Launched in Japan!

8 hours 20 minutes to go

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There's quite a large crowd outside the Sony Building in Ginza now, waiting for the PS4 launch event.

Lots of pics at article in link!

The Hype train is about to come off the tracks! I guess it makes sense that Japan will put Sony in the lead.

Sounds good, too bad HW and classes...


Around the Network

Looks like these girls are getting ready to rob the place

A friend of mine is in line outside Ginza right now, there is a rumor going around the troops that someone near the front overheard staff talking about the first 20 people getting their consoles for free, and the queues are getting bigger by the minute.

lucidium said:
A friend of mine is in line outside Ginza right now, there is a rumor going around the troops that someone near the front overheard staff talking about the first 20 people getting their consoles for free, and the queues are getting bigger by the minute.

Anecdotal I know. But how is the launch going compared with previous launches? Like the lines and stuff.

Farsala said:
lucidium said:
A friend of mine is in line outside Ginza right now, there is a rumor going around the troops that someone near the front overheard staff talking about the first 20 people getting their consoles for free, and the queues are getting bigger by the minute.

Anecdotal I know. But how is the launch going compared with previous launches? Like the lines and stuff.

Hard to say, I usually get consoles before launch so i've not been to any launches in Japan myself

There are however loads of people lining up outside pretty much every Bic Camera, Yodabashi and Yamada denki in my area.

Sony was thinking in Japan, launching PS4 later there, despite everybody said. They give them the honor of being the reason to surpass Wii u lol